Year: 2022

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Meta to Drop Project Nazare AR Glasses Plan

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Meta appears to have made a couple of changes to its device plans, with the Portal video conferencing product moving from the consumer to be developed for the B2B market. The …

Tags:Augmented Reality| | Smartwatches| VideoConferencing| Voice Input

Innolux Shines a Light on Kirameki and Natural3D

by Bob Raikes

A few days ago, I mentioned a really novel looking display that I saw from Innolux at Display Week, so I thought I’d dig a bit more into it Naoki Sumi from Innolux presented …

Tags:Autostereo 3D| Casinos| Dicom Medical Calibration| Digital Signage| Innolux| Medical| Novel Displays| Retail

Display revenue to drop 15% this year – Omdia

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say Quoting Omdia as the source, the Elec said that display revenue in 2022 is expected to drop 15% year-on-year to US$133.18 billion with LCD revenues falling 32% from $38.3 billion to …

Tags:BOE| CSOT| Innolux| Large LCD Supply| LCD TVs| LG Displays (LGD)

Let’s Keep the OLED Scientists Busy with More Colours

by Bob Raikes

The I-Zone is always an interesting feature of the Display Week Exhibition. The Committee that runs the area, which is populated by research efforts and start-ups, chooses a winner and an honouree. This year’s …

Tags:Colour (Color)| Multi-Primary| Projectors| R&D (Research & Development)| Video Quality| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

Smartphone Sales Positive in Germany in Q1 2022

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Despite the global gloom in the smartphone market, Germany seems to still be seeing growth. The GfU said that the re-opening of specialist retail stores had helped the sales of smartphones …

Tags:Germany| Smartphone Market

IDC Warns of Strong PC market Decline

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say IDC expects PC shipments to be weak this year, falling by 8.2% from 2021 to 321.2 million units. Tablets are expected to decline by 6.2% to 158 million units. That will …

Tags:Forecasts| Market Data| PC Market (Personal Computers - PCs)| tablets

Zato Connect Monitor is for Streamers

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Atomos has a new 5″ touchscreen device, the Zato Connect, that is intended to capture and manage video from HDMI or USB UVC cameras (USB UVC cameras send video in YUV …

Tags:Field Monitors| Streaming Video| Video Editing & Production

HoloLens Teams are Reorganised

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Information’s Reality Check reports that HoloLens co-creator Alex Kipman is to depart from Microsoft after allegations of misconduct. The hardware teams will be absorbed by the “Windows + Devices” organization …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Microsoft| Military & Defence| Samsung

Nvidia Shows A Holographic Display with a Glasses-Like Form Factor

by Arthur Berman

A team of researchers headed by Jonghyun Kim along with colleagues at Nvidia Corporation (Santa Clara, CA) and collaborators at Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA) are developing a holographic display in a glasses-like form …

Tags:Holography| Nvidia| Optics| R&D (Research & Development)| Virtual Reality