Virtual Set Makers Promoting More than RGB for LED Walls

What They Say

Broadcast Bridge reported on a big new virtual production facility being built in LA by Orbital Virtual Productions. There are two stages – one that is 50′ x 25′ and 15′ tall (15.2m x 7.6m x 4.5m) with horizontal resolution of 32K pixels. The big one is ‘an absolute monster’ that is 75′ wide, 50′ deep and 24 feet high (22m x 15.2m x 7.3m) and with 64K of horizontal pixels. The LED panels are 1.5mm pitch.

As we heard at the recent SMPTE meeting in the UK, the firm does not rely on the wall to light the scene, but works with LED movie lights. (RGB is Not Enough for Virtual Production). In the article, the owner said that it is:

“It’s OK to have a bit of ambient light coming from the wall. I’m talking with Planar about doing a panel with red, green, blue, amber and white emitters, as opposed to just red, green and blue.”

He also said that he had reduced the peak brightness of the system from Planar by half to get better precision in the images.

There are a lot of servers with each operating a 2.5K square section of the wall at 120Hz and connected using DisplayPort 1.4 with 10 bit HDR to the controller and then optical fibre to the wall.

The facility is due to be fully open at the end of 2022.

What We Think

This looks like the kind of application that 6P Inc could use its 6 primary technology (Let’s Keep the OLED Scientists Busy with More Colours) (BR)

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