Absen is one of the better of the LED brands from China and had lots to show us.
The company first showed us its X3/X5 LED system which, unusually, it described as indoor/outdoor. The tiles can be assembled into convex and concave configurations and have a new coating to improve black levels. These features are making the products very popular with rental/staging companies, we heard. Other features include dial power supply and front and back serviceability using a magnetic system.
The company told us that the X3 is auto-calibrated with data storied in a LUT. It was described as “90% cable free”. What the company meant by this was that each “column” of tiles in a display is connectable by cable at one end of the column, but with pluggable connectors thereafter. The company pointed out that its power connections are just 48V which it regards as much safer than the 110V used by some competitors.
The C7 display is also indoor and outdoor compatible and can be curved, with individual tiles which can be offset by 20º from an adjacent tile, a setting that can be “locked in” before tiles are clipped together.
Absen was showing a 138″ HD TV on its booth.
We then looked at a new cart system that the company has designed for its rental/staging users. The cart holds 24 tiles in six pre-assembled blocks of four. This saves time when assembling on site. Two carts can be stacked, one above the other, and still fit in a standard shipping container.
The Unilumin cart holds 24 tiles in 6 groups of 4
Finally the company told us that its panels, which go down to 1.2mm and include 1.6mm and 1.9mm pitch, use less power than some competitors.