Unilumin told us last year that it is the third largest of the several hundred LED video wall suppliers in China. This year, the company was highlighting applications in control rooms and other small pixel pitch LED applications. There was a large 2.6mm video wall that is designed for rental and indoor use.
Unilumin’s 138″ LED TV costs $115KOn the back of the booth, we saw a 138″ LED display with 1.58mm pitch, so that the display is effectively a 138″ FullHD display that could be used as a high end TV. Brightness is 800 cd/m² and Unilumin highlighted that compared to a monolithic display, like an LCD or PDP, the modular nature of LED makes the display easier to ship and install. Pricing for this configuration was quoted at $115,000. We also noted that the power consumption was rated at 1.35KW and the display is rated as having IP43 protection.
Unilumin told us that it has done well with high end retailers with its 4.8mm pitch LEDs which can produce 1,300 cd/m². Although Eyevis claimed that it is the only company that can replace LED modules from the front of the display without damage, Unilumin told us that it can do the same.
Finally, we looked at the “UStorm” IP68-rated module that the firm has developed for outdoor use. The LED is said to have 50% of the power consumption of traditional panels (there are no fans) and module weight has been reduced from 50kg to 30kg to make handling easier. The company said that practical experience of some very violent storms has shown that the displays are very robust.