
Trivver Files 73 Patents Aimed at 3D Immersive Environments

California’s Trivver has successfully secured a total of 73 US and international patents, all targeted towards technology and measurability in 3D digital environments.

Source: Trivver

The AI platform at the heart of Trivver’s offerings focuses on augmented reality (AR) pop-up stores. It enables brands to customize, position, dynamically adjust, and closely monitor 3D branded objects within these AR spaces. A feature of this platform is an ad exchange that modifies background content and products in real-time. This adaptation relies on the user’s demographic details, past brand interactions, and real-time behavior, ensuring consumers receive a uniquely tailored experience. Once this technology is initiated on a smart device, its patented data analytics function captures an extensive range of data points. These include metrics like object visibility, screen coverage, and user interactions.

To date, the company boasts a patent collection that includes 25 US patents — 22 awarded and 3 pending — and 48 international ones, with 5 awarded and the remaining 43 still pending. Trivver is now gearing up to pilot its AI-driven advertising and analytics technology in collaboration with advertising agencies.