
Thinkware Releases iNavi X1 – Augmented Reality Extreme

The Korean based company Thinkware, better known under its iNavi brand, has released the iNavi X1 navigation display solution that includes a full 3D map enabling an advanced navigation system. The system was shown in Korea and it is unclear if a car maker will use this technology or if it is an after-market solution.

The image shows how the iNavi X1 combines a complex 3D model with an advanced guidance system. The system seems to have several use modes, with navigation being one of them. Others include a sports mode that allows the inspired motor enthusiast to see the optimal driving line.

The following movie shows some of these functions (warning it is rather long and in Korean).

The sports function can be seen during the first minute, while the navigation function is demonstrated at the 2:00 minute mark. At the 2:30 mark, the video shows how the 3D city map for the augmented reality navigation via air pictures was created.

The images are quite colorful and a little distracting for my taste, but could easily be directed to in dash systems or after-market displays. Thinkware calls this AR Extreme, a fitting name for the implementation indeed.

The system will be launched on December 8, but there is no word on the price yet.