Volume 21


IBM Result 21/10/2014

by Super User

IBM posted a third quarter net profit of $3.5 billion on turnover of $22.4 billion, which compares with a net profit of $4.1 billion on turnover of $23.3 billion in the third quarter of …

Tags:Financial Data| IBM| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Multitasking Rising, But Rarely TV-Related

by Super User

There has been a significant increase in multitasking (including, but not limited to, second screen use) while people watch TV, says TiVo. 51% of 856 survey respondents said that they multitask every time or …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Second Screens| Tivo| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Samsung Corrects Weak Colour Vision With OLED

by Super User

At IMID 2014, Samsung Display (SDC) introduced a 14″ OLED panel (rumoured recently, in Display Monitor Vol 21 No 41). Sources list the resolution as ‘WQUXG’, although this resolution does not exist and likely …

Tags:IMID 2014| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| OLEDs| Samsung| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Competition to Cause Panel Price Drop

by Super User

According to reports from Asia, handset panel module prices are expected to fall more than 10% in Q4. The slump will be caused by competition for Chinese orders between vendors from Taiwan, China, Japan …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| Pricing| Smartphones| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Changes at Tech Data

by Super User

Tech Data Mobile’s senior VP in the UK, Rod Millar, has resigned from the company and is to be replaced by Stephen Nolan.

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| People| Recruitment & Appointments| TechData| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Leyard Chooses Sidev

by Super User

LED vendor Leyard has signed a distribution deal with Sidev, in France.

Tags:Distributors| Large Display Monitor| LED| Leyard| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

LG Plans Dual-Track TV Strategy

by Super User

Speaking to analysts after the announcement of its third quarter results (see Finance Results in this issue), LG Electronics said that it planned to implement a dual-track TV strategy, supplementing its line-up of next …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LG Displays (LGD)| Quantum Dots| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

Ludwig Pohl Inducted into German Research Hall of Fame

by Super User

Merck KGaA is a leading developer and supplier of LCD materials, without whom, the development of the LCD industry would have been very different. One of the drivers behind the LC development was Ludwig …

Tags:Back Panel| Large Display Monitor| LC Materials (Liquid Crystal)| Merck| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

STMicroelectronics Result 30/10/2014

by Super User

STMicroelectronics swung to a net profit in the third quarter of the year of $72 million from a net loss a year earlier of $142 million. Turnover for Q3 of this year was $1.8 …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| STMicroelectronics| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

Shelf Share: A Revealing Research Tool

by Super User

Deirdre Kennedy, an analyst for Gap Intelligence, has written extensively about shelf share in the retail space. Her explanation of the term is comprehensive and her examples are particularly relevant to the display trade. …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| TVs (TV Sets)| USA| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

Fitbit Slots in to Smartwatches

by Super User

Fitbit has revealed a fitness tracker that also acts as a smartwatch. Joining two other wearables (the Charge and Charge HR, with small AMOLED screens), the Fitbit Surge features an LCD display. It includes …

Tags:Fitbit| Fitness Trackers| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21