Vol 23 - Issue 28


LG’s OLED Production is Rising

by Tom Allen

UBI Research claims that LG Display shipped 140,000 65″ OLED panels in Q2, as it has begun to supply companies outside of the LG group including Skyworth and Loewe. LG Electronics was said to …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LG Displays (LGD)| OLED TVs| Supply Chain| Vol 23 - Issue 28


Microsoft Result 19/07/2016

by Dhruv Dayal Gupta

Microsoft reported Q4 2016 net profit of $3.1 billion, up from a net loss of $3.2 billion in the previous year period. Turnover was $22.6 billion, down 7% YoY from $22.1 billion. For the …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Microsoft| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 28

OSVR Upgrades Dev Kit Display

by Tom Allen

Image: The VergeOSVR (Razer Strikes Nvidia’s Shield) is now taking pre-orders for its second modular dev kit, HDK 2. The kit will begin to be shipped on the 29th July and prices start at …

Tags:HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 28

Sony Brings Low-Cost UHD to Europe

by Tom Allen

Sony launched three new TVs in the USA last month: the X800D, X750D and X700D (UHD Becomes More Affordable With Sony). These have now been launched in Europe as the XD70, XD75 and XD80, …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LCD TVs| sony| Vol 23 - Issue 28

Telus Brings UHD to BC and Alberta

by Tom Allen

Canadian broadcaster Telus has launched the first UltraHD TV service in Western Canada. ‘4K on Optik TV’ can be accessed by residents of British Columbia and Alberta and includes a variety of content, including …

Tags:4k| Large Display Monitor| North America| UltraHD (4KTV)| VOD| Vol 23 - Issue 28

VoD Rise Creates Need for IMF

by Tom Allen

Hans Hoffman of the European Broadcasters’ Union was speaking about the Interoperable Master Format, which had been touched upon by Netflix on the previous day (Netflix Deplores ‘Versionitis’). VoD services are rising quickly in …

Tags:Broadcast| EBU| Formats| HPA Tech Retreat| Large Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 28

RealD Brian Hawkins

RealD Uses Cloud to Bring TrueImage to Cinema

by Tom Allen

Brian Hawkins, also from RealD, is the inventor of the TrueImage software. First used during post-production of ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug’, this software is designed to eliminate artefacts. Filmmakers can use high …

Tags:Graphics Software| HPA Tech Retreat| Large Display Monitor| Post Production| RealD| Vol 23 - Issue 28

New Technologies Amplify Judder

by Tom Allen

Day 2 was tight on time for all of the speakers – Welsh announced at the start of the day that, if they overran, he would sound a horn and they’d have to leave …

Tags:HFR - High Frame Rate| HPA Tech Retreat| Large Display Monitor| RealD| Vol 23 - Issue 28

How Will VR be Used in Cinema?

by Tom Allen

The final session of the first day dealt with ‘Emerging Media Technology’ – virtual and augmented reality – in the cinema industry. Simon Gauntlett, CTO of the Digital Television Group, opened the discussion. Gauntlett …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Cinema| HPA Tech Retreat| Large Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 28

Netflix Deplores ‘Versionitis’

by Tom Allen

Mike Whipple and Sean Durkin are from Netflix and discussed the process of sourcing content, and producing originals, for the service. Because much of Netflix’s content comes from external sources like broadcasters, the company …

Tags:Formats| HPA Tech Retreat| Large Display Monitor| Netflix| Post Production| Vol 23 - Issue 28

Cynora Appoints Haldi CMO Ahead of Launch

by Tom Allen

Andreas Haldi has joined Cynora as the company’s new CMO, as it gets ready to commercialise its blue TADF-based OLED emitting materials. Haldi has worked in the OLED materials field for almst 15 years. …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| OLED Materials| People| Recruitment & Appointments| TADF| Vol 23 - Issue 28

TV Panel Purchases Up, Despite Shortages

by Tom Allen

As supply becomes more constrained and panel prices rise, TV brands are seeking to aggressively increase panel purchases as we enter Q3. IHS expects the panel shortage to continue to affect the industry in …

Tags:IHS Markit| Large Display Monitor| LCD Panels| Supply Chain| TV Set Market| Vol 23 - Issue 28