Vol 22 - Issue 10


The Phone Changed our Lives, Now the Phone Market is Changing Itself

by Norbert Hildebrand

The good old phone changed our lives and our environment for good after its invention in the 1870s. Depending on on your perspective, different people can be credited with the invention, however, phones changed …

Tags:Mobile Phones| Smartphone Market| Smartphones| Vol 22 - Issue 10

iMagic: Displays can be Magical

by Len Scrogan

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”Arthur C. Clarke While enjoying a recent regenerative cruise in the blue Caribbean, my senses and imagination were marvelously heightened after experiencing a unique iMagic show on …

Tags:display technology| Laser Projectors| Maritime| Vol 22 - Issue 10

Blue Light Shift Protects Users, Says AG Neovo

by Tom Allen

Built with AG Neovo’s ‘Opticom’ technology, the new LE series of desktop monitors lower blue light emissions by up to 90%, by changing the wavelength of the light itself and moving it out of …

Tags:Blue Light| Desktop Monitors| Large Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 10

NBA and Biglook360 Team up for VR Capture of All-Star Game

by Chris Chinnock

Thought the capture of 180° and 360° video content was a recent phenomenon driven by the capabilities of the Oculus Rift and Samsung GearVR? BigLook360 did its first production way back in 1999 and …

Tags:3D Cameras| Oculus Rift| Samsung| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 10