Plus Selects eD’system
by Raverstead
Japan’s Plus has chosen eD’system to distribute its projectors and interactive whiteboards in the Czech Republic.
Tags:Czech Republic| Mobile Display Monitor| Plus Corporation| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Raverstead
Japan’s Plus has chosen eD’system to distribute its projectors and interactive whiteboards in the Czech Republic.
Tags:Czech Republic| Mobile Display Monitor| Plus Corporation| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Raverstead
ED’system is distributing Hitachi’s Starboard interactive whiteboards in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Tags:Czech Republic| Digital Whiteboards| Distributors| Hitachi| Mobile Display Monitor| Slovakia| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Raverstead
TD Maverick has entered into a European partnership with U-Touch, to distribute its touch frames in the region.
Tags:Distributors| Europe| Large Display Monitor| TechData| Touch| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Raverstead
Zweib GmbH is now offering Christie’s D4K3560 3DLP projector for rental across Europe.
Tags:Christie| Distributors| DLP Projectors| Europe| Large Display Monitor| Rental and Staging| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Raverstead
And finally… The age-old (ok, two-year-old) problem: you have a large new smartphone, but can’t reach the top of the screen. Worry no more thanks to Thanko of Japan, which is selling a ‘thumb …
Tags:Back Panel| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Touch Interfaces| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Raverstead
KPN’s DTT platform in the Netherlands, Digitenne, is believed to have dropped below 500,000 subscribers. In KPN’s recent results, the Digitenne figure came under the heading ‘Other TV homes’ (508,000), which also included analogue …
Tags:Large Display Monitor| Netherlands| Terrestrial (DTT)| TV Reception| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Raverstead
Dutch cable provider Ziggo had a market share of 62.5% in Q3’13. While the company’s total TV customers dropped by 18,000, to 2.76 million, the total homes passed in the Netherlands also fell. Because …
Tags:Cable| Large Display Monitor| Netherlands| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Raverstead
Crocus Technology, based in Switzerland, has developed a sensor solution for flexible displays, built on its Magnetic Logic Unit (MLU) technology. MLU is a CMOS-based architecture using magnetic fields. The new solution can detect …
Tags:Flexible Displays| Flexible PCBs| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Sensors| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Raverstead
The BL2700HT 27″ LCD monitor from BenQ is suited for office use. As well as flicker-free and low blue light technologies, the unit will remind users to take a break at predefined intervals, through …
Tags:BenQ| Blue Light| Desktop Monitors| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| VA (Vertical Align)| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Raverstead
A journalist from Israeli website YNet recently visited LG’s phone factory in Korea, and appears to have spotted an unannounced model. The reporter wrote that it “seems like the G Flex…only smaller”. LG did …
Tags:Large Display Monitor| LG Electronics (LGE)| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Raverstead
NEC Corporation returned to profit in the second quarter of its current fiscal year, reporting a net profit of ¥22.6 billion ($196.6 million), which compares with a net loss in the same period a …
Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NEC| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Raverstead
Sharp Electronics Marketing Company of America (SEMCA) has announced the appointment of Jim Sanduski as interim president, following the sudden departure of John Herrington, who had been president of SEMCA for more than four …
Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| People| sharp| USA| Vol 21 - Issue 44