Super Hi-Vision (8K)


8K – It’s Not Just About More Pixels

by Chris Chinnock

In preparing for the 8K Display Summit on June 11, one of the presenters, Mark Henninger, the editor of AVS Forum, gave me an abstract that makes a really good point. While many fixate …

Tags:6K| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

8K Display Summit June 11, Millennium Times Square, New York City

by Artem Alekseenko

The tentative agenda for the 8K Display Summit has been posted at: The event is organized into three sessions: 8K Content and Ecosystem (Samsung Research America, FF Pictures, Holland Productions, RED) 8K Trend …

Tags:Insight Media| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

8K TVs Top TV Line-ups for a Reason

by Artem Alekseenko

The latest and greatest thing in TVs are new models with 8K resolution. That’s 7680×4320 pixels or four times as many pixels as a 4K TV and 16 times as many as a 1080p …

Tags:Super Hi-Vision (8K)| TVs (TV Sets)

On Samsung, LEDs, and Market Positioning

by Pete Putman

Two weeks ago, I was invited to the grand opening of Samsung’s newest EBC facility in Irvine, California; a hop, skip, and a jump from John Wayne Airport. (No kidding, I walked about 15 …

Tags:Home Theatre| LED| LED Cinema| Meeting Rooms| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

65-inch & Larger TV Display – Ready for Strong Growth

by Sweta Dash

Massive LCD capacity is coming into production in the next three years optimized for 65-inch and 75-inch TV. Most of the capacity is coming from 10.5 Gen fabs especially from China. There is a …

Tags:BOE| CSOT| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large LCD Supply| MiniLED| Quantum Dots| Samsung| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| TVs (TV Sets)| Vizio| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

Slides Available from 8K Seminar at 2019 NAB Show

by Artem Alekseenko

The 8K Association hosted a free-to-attend seminar at the 2019 NAB Show in Las Vegas on April 10 from 9am to 5pm. The presentations can now be accessed on a password-protected web page by …

Tags:NAB 2019| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

Springtime Droplets

by Ken Werner

A late Spring is finally stumbling its way into Southwestern Connecticut. The new green tree leaves gleam in the late afternoon sun, and the plantings are beginning to bloom. I transferred the first tomato …

Tags:China| E Ink| EPD (Electrophoretic)| Flexible Displays| Foxconn (Honhai)| sony| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Taiwan

What do European Broadcasters Think about 8K?

by Bob Raikes

Recently I spent a couple of days at the DVB World event in Dublin – an occasion when broadcasters and service providers get together to talk about TV and broadcasting. One of the topics …

Tags:Broadcast| Europe| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UltraHD

Is the JVC DLA-NX9 the World’s Best Home Cinema Projector?

by Ken Werner

On March 23 Value Electronics (VE) hosted the world’s first demonstration of JVC’s newest home cinema projector, the DLA-NX9. VE, a high-end A/V retailer and custom installer in the wealthy New York City suburb …

Tags:Blu-ray Players| JVC| Laser Phosphor Projectors| Panasonic| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UltraHD

HPA Tech Retreat 2019: 8K Is Here, Ready Or Not…

by Pete Putman

As I write this, the second day of the annual HPA Tech Retreat is underway. So far, we’ve learned about deep fakes, film restoration at 12 million frames per second, how to make solid …

Tags:DisplayPort| HDMI| Large LCD Supply| SMPTE| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

Samsung’s Colour Performance Seems to Have Reduced with 8K

by Bob Raikes

I suddenly realised today that the reason I hadn’t heard from any of my Display Daily contributors about today’s column was that it was my turn. Oops! Anyway, I have learned over the years …

Tags:Energy Star| Power Consumption| Samsung| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| TVs (TV Sets)

60 Ghz: Ready For Prime Time (finally)?

by Pete Putman

I’ve been following high-bandwidth millimeter-wave wireless for well over a decade now and it never seems to get off the ground. There have been numerous demonstrations of 60 GHz HDMI transmitter and receiver kits …

Tags:CES 2019| Qualcomm| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| WiGIG| Wireless