

Treat AR and VR Display Development Like Skunkworks Projects

by Omid Rahmat

Apple’s punking the competition and hoping they burn through all their money trying to dominate a spatial computing market that does not exist. That’s a good theory.

Tags:Augmented Reality| MicroLED| OLEDos| RGB LEDos| showcase| VR

Sony Selling 4K OLED Microdisplays in Japan

by Emory Kale

Sony makes some sort of statement by announcing the availability of its Vision Pro microdisplays for sale in Japan this year.

Tags:Apple| Augmented Reality| Microdisplay| MicroLED| showcase| sony| Vision Pro| VR

Virey Gives A Great Overview of MicroLED

by Bob Raikes

By the end of 2025, the cumulative expenditure on MicroLED will be around 10% of the total capex on OLED since 2006.

Tags:advanced TV| ams osram| Apple| AUO| Forecasts| Innolux| Market Data| MicroLED| Samsung| showcase

LG automotive displays at K-Display 2023

Samsung and LG at K-Display 2023: Frenemies Forever

by Emory Kale

LG and Samsung can cozy up to each other as they buffer against the threats of Chinese OLED manufacturing.

Tags:Automotive| Flexible Displays| K-Display 2023| LG| OLED| Samsung| showcase| Transparent Displays