

Counterpoint Acquires DSCC

by Shawnee Blackwood

The acquisition will allow Counterpoint to expand its display research capabilities and broaden its coverage of the supply chain.

Tags:Counterpoint| DSCC| market research| showcase

The Challenges of Under Display Cameras

by Emory Kale

Diffraction artifacts and color shifts are among some of the challenges faced by under display cameras.

Tags:Artificial Intelligence (AI)| Image processors| OLED| showcase| Smartphones| UDC

The TV OS: A Performance Bottleneck

by Omid Rahmat

Streaming wars are coming and that means more interactivity and more apps and more stuff to navigate. Will TVs catch up with their user experience models?

Tags:Remote Controls| showcase| TV| TV OS

Samsung and Apple: Carving up the Smartphone Pie

by Omid Rahmat

Are Samsung and Apple leveraging their relationship to lock down the premium smartphone segment? If they get foldables right, probably yes.

Tags:Apple| Huawei| Microdisplays| Oppo| Samsung| showcase| Smartphones| Wearables| Xiamoi