

Toyota Rolls Out Chrome Signage in Euro Dealerships

by Bob Raikes

Toyota Europe has rolled out a showroom system in 3,000 locations so far, based on a hardware architecture of Asus Chromeboxes connected to 42″ displays with central control from Toyota’s headquarters, using a Google …

Tags:DOOH| Large Display Monitor| Retail| Vol 23 - Issue 48

Delhaize Promotes Fresh Food

by Bob Raikes

Delhaize, a Belgian supermarket owned by Ahold (Albert Heijn) in the Netherlands for the last few months, has done a deal with Clear Channel to promote its fresh produce. The project was created and …

Tags:Belgium| DOOH| Large Display Monitor| Retail| Vol 23 - Issue 47

British Land Uses AR for Christmas

by Bob Raikes

One of the largest UK owner of shopping centres, British Land, has launched an A/R app for 21 local and regional locations. There is an app-based game for children is intended to take families …

Tags:AR/VR| Augmented Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 23 - Issue 47

Aoto Wins Harrods Deal

by Bob Raikes

Aoto has supplied 12 LED displays (M1.7C and M2C) with a total of 60 m² area to the presitigious Harrods department store in London. There is a large display on each floor and two …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Retail| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 23 - Issue 47

John Lewis Invests in VR

by Bob Raikes

UK retailer, John Lewis has invested in “virtual interior design” company DigitalBridge as part of its JLab accelerator programme. The investment was made after a successful trial of the firm’s technology which allows customers …

Tags:AR/VR| Augmented Reality| John Lewis Partnership| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 23 - Issue 47

Fujitsu Strong in POS & Retail

by Bob Raikes

Fujitsu has a strong business in POS and retail. While looking around what it was doing, we saw a familiar face, Tobias Nagel, once with Also and then involved in the A/V industry. However, …

Tags:Fujitsu| Fujitsu Forum 2016| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| POS| Retail| Vol 23 - Issue 46

Latest Survey: 27% of U.K. Consumers plan to Buy Online on Black Friday

by Isaac Oburu

A survey conducted in early November 2016 by One Hour Translation, the world’s largest online translation agency, which provides translation services to thousands of global e-commerce companies, indicates that 27% of U.K. consumers plan …

Tags:Retail| UK (United Kingdom)

Saturn Ingolstadt Has Dedicated VR Space

by Bob Raikes

Saturn, the German retailer, has put a special installation in its flagship Ingolstadt store, that is designed to allow clients to experience VR gaming. The company also uses VR in its kitchen planning department …

Tags:AR/VR| MediaMarkt (Saturn)| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 44

Russian Retail to be Slow

by Bob Raikes

The Russian market has been poor for the last couple of years, but analyst, PMR, which specialises in Eastern Europe, has estimated that the value of retail sales (excluding motor vehicles and fuels) will …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| Russia| Vol 23 - Issue 43

InContext Gets $15 million for VR in Retail

by Bob Raikes

InContext Solutions, a specialist in virtual reality (VR) solutions for retailers and manufacturers, announced the closing of a $15.2 million funding round, lead by Intel Capital and Beringea. The finance will be used for …

Tags:AR/VR| Intel| Investment| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 42

Gatwick Gets LED Storefront

by Bob Raikes

Hour Passion, a watch store belonging to the Swatch group at London’s Gatwick Airport, has a shop front that has been upgraded to include an LED display with 3mm pitch from Dynamo LED of …

Tags:Aviation| Large Display Monitor| Retail| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 23 - Issue 42

Seat Goes Automatic for Automotive

by Bob Raikes

Seat has opened a new digital car dealership in the Intu Lakeside shopping centre, to the East of London in the UK. The move follows from other showrooms in malls, including Rockar at Bluewater …

Tags:DOOH| Large Display Monitor| Retail| Vol 23 - Issue 42