Polarizer Market Growth Driven by TV Demand Faces Long-Term Oversupply Concerns
by Emory Kale
The surplus, currently around 10%, is expected to increase to 19.5% by 2027.
Tags:Market Data| omdia| Polarizers
by Emory Kale
The surplus, currently around 10%, is expected to increase to 19.5% by 2027.
Tags:Market Data| omdia| Polarizers
by Emory Kale
Falling prices due to aggressive competition and the reduced need for these films within Samsung’s group contributed to the decision to exit this business.
Tags:Manufacturing| Polarizers| Sasmung
by Omid Rahmat
The development and use of PDL technology in displays has evolved significantly over the past few years.
Tags:AMOLED| foldables| Polarizers| showcase| Smartphones
by Shawnee Blackwood
A small Chinese display manufacturer makes a small gesture of global intent.
Tags:Financial Data| Polarizers