
Gaming PC sales in North America Grew 25-30% Last Year

by Alan Spencer

The gaming PC market sales in North America increased by 25-30% in 2016, compared to the previous year, according to a report by Digitimes. Kevin Jones, VP for US-based retail chain Micro Center, stated …

Tags:Game Playing| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| PCs| USA| Vol 24 - Issue 17

ASUS VR-Ready VivoPC X Now Available

by Bob Raikes

Asus has a new PC that is intended for use in VR. The VivoPC X uses a seventh generation Intel Core processor and has an NVidia GeForce GTX 1060 graphics card. The PC, therefore, …

Tags:Asus| Large Display Monitor| Oculus Rift| PCs| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 15

Worldwide End-User Spending on Devices to Grow 2% This Year

by Alan Spencer

PC, ultramobile and mobile users are spending higher amounts on new devices resulting in growth in end-user spending in 2017. Gartner has estimated that end-user spending will increase by 2% this year, to nearly …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| PCs| Smartphones| tablets| Vol 24 - Issue 14


comScore Introduces Connected Home Consumer Interaction Measurement

by Isaac Oburu

comScore today announced comScore Connected Home, the first syndicated service to be based on the company’s proprietary Total Home Panel – a breakthrough research platform that measures consumer behavior across home network-connected devices. Connected …

Tags:Internet of Things IOT| PCs

Asus and MSI become Top Gaming Notebook Vendors in 2016

by Alan Spencer

Asus and MSI have become the top global gaming notebook vendors for 2016. Estimated total worldwide sales for gaming notebooks were 4.5 million for 2016 of which Asus shipped 1.2 million units and MSI …

Tags:Game Playing| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| PCs| Vol 24 - Issue 06

Oculus Ready PC Costs $500 (When Bundled with Rift)

by Bob Raikes

A custom PC maker, CyberPower Inc has developed a PC that is ‘Oculus Ready’ and that costs $1,099 for the bundle when bought with a Rift on Amazon or BestBuy’s online shop. Given that …

Tags:AR/VR| Mobile Display Monitor| PCs| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 02


HP Inc. Ignites Powerful PC Experiences at CES 2017

by Isaac Oburu

At CES 2017, HP Inc. today debuted exciting new PC innovations that will change the way people interact with their PCs. “HP has been on an innovation roll over the last year and that …

Tags:CES 2017| HP Inc| PCs

HP Claims World’s Smallest Workstation

by Bob Raikes

HP has a new Z2 Mini workstation that will start shipping early in January. The system unit is just 8.5″ (21.6cm) square and 2.3″ (5.85cm) thick and can be mounted on a flat surface, …

Tags:HP Inc| Large Display Monitor| PCs| Vol 23 - Issue 50| Workstations

Intel Has New Nucs – And a Roadmap

by Bob Raikes

Intel is to update its NUC (Next Unit of Computing) devices to use the latest Core chips. The NUC6CAYH uses a Celeron J3445 CPU quad core CPU (Apollo Lake) with Intel HDGraphics 500. Memory …

Tags:CES 2017| Intel| Large Display Monitor| PCs| Vol 23 - Issue 50