Oculus Rift


Oculus Rift: Does the Emperor Have Any Clothes?

by Helen Vince

Personal Eyewear – Since 2012, Display Central has published roughly 60 articles that discuss the Oculus Rift. I’ve reviewed most of them and not one of them mentions the terrible image quality produced by …

Tags:| Nvidia| Oculus Rift| Vol 21 - Issue 46

Video Highlights from I/ITSEC 2014

by Raverstead

We were able to interview several companies during I/ITSEC 2014. Boeing was in the JVC booth at I/ITSEC 2014 showing its updated CRVS (constant video resolution simulator) with a new IG using COTS hardware …

Tags:Christie| Eyevis| Fujitsu| I/ITSEC 2014| JVC| Large Display Monitor| Oculus Rift| Vol 21 - Issue 49

Oculus Welcomes Sony to the Virtual Reality Market

by Helen Vince

Virtual Reality – Virtual reality has been around for some time and if you like, every movie theater experience is a form of virtual reality without glasses. People like movies, but so far don’t like …

Tags:| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus Rift| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21

Augmented Reality – Phone or Glasses?

by Helen Vince

Augmented Reality – As a reader, you know by now about our obsession with virtual and augmented reality. We believe that these are key technologies that will influence or even define the user interface in …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Google Glass| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus Rift| Opinion| Vol 21 - Issue 39| Volume 21