

Dolby Vision Will Arrive With Consumers in 2015

by Vanessa Browning

We have been covering Dolby’s work with HDR since IBC 2012 (Display Monitor Vol 19 No 38), and at CES 2014 the company showed off its Dolby Vision technology, with several partners (Display Monitor …

Tags:Dolby| Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Netflix| Vol 22 - Issue 04

Netflix Stays Out of Spain

by Bob Raikes

Netflix is to expand in Europe this year, but a rumoured launch in Spain (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 37) will not take place, the company has said. Netflix last year said that it …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Netflix| Pay TV| Spain| Vol 22 - Issue 01

Netflix Subscriber Growth to Fall 30%

by Bob Raikes

In a bold claim, Strategy Analytics has predicted that Netflix subscriber growth in the USA will fall 30% next year. It is part of the company’s ‘Top Ten Digital Media Predictions for 2015’. The …

Tags:Cloud Gaming| Game Playing| Large Display Monitor| Netflix| Vol 21 - Issue 50

Hardware and Standards Wrestle in the Marketplace

by Aldo Cugnini

Broadcast & Distribution – Hardware manufacturers and standards developers have often clashed when it comes to inter-compatibility and longevity of solutions. Once a solution takes hold in the marketplace, it can be very difficult to evolve …

Tags:HEVC (H.265)| Netflix| Standards| UltraHD| Vol 21 - Issue 49

Netflix Sees Changes in the TV Landscape Emerging

by Helen Vince

TV – Netflix, the company that brought video on demand to the masses sees traditional broadcast on a downward spiral. According to articles from The Hollywood Reporter and Digital Trends, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings explained during a speech in Mexico …

Tags:Netflix| Ratings (e.g. Nielsen)| Vol 21 - Issue 47

Netflix Arrives on Panasonic’s Older TVs

by Raverstead

UltraHD Netflix streams were made available on Panasonic’s AX800 TVs earlier this month (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 44). The service has now arrived on the slightly older AX802 TV.

Tags:4k| Large Display Monitor| Netflix| OTT Video| Panasonic| UltraHD| Vol 21 - Issue 46

Hastings: Broadcast TV Dead in 16 Years

by Raverstead

“Broadcast TV will probably last until 2030”, was the bold claim by Netflix CEO Reed Hastings during a recent speech in Mexico City. Hastings has been predicting the death of linear TV (and its …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Netflix| Vol 21 - Issue 47

Netflix Closing in on 17 Million Subs

by Raverstead

After achieving 14.4 million subscribers outside of the USA in September, Netflix has said that it expects to reach 17 million paying customers by the end of this year.

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Netflix| VOD| Vol 21 - Issue 48| Worldwide

Netflix CEO: ‘Traditional TV Will Disappear’

by Super User

Redd Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, has predicted that traditional linear TV services will ‘disappear’ within 20 years. Hastings made the comments to French magazine Telerama.

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Netflix| OTT Video| Vol 21 - Issue 35| Volume 21

Netflix Enters Major Markets

by Super User

Netflix has made a major push in Europe, launching its service in France and Germany. Other countries – Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland – will follow soon, and a launch in Spain and Australia …

Tags:Europe| Large Display Monitor| Netflix| OTT Video| Vol 21 - Issue 37| Volume 21

Orange Signs Netflix Agreement

by Super User

Orange will offer Netflix on its set-top boxes in France from November. Orange has more than 10 million subscribers, so the deal would be a significant boost for the newly-launched service.

Tags:France| IPTV| Large Display Monitor| Netflix| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21

Watch Adam Sandler in High-Res, Thanks to Netflix

by Super User

Netflix continues its UltraHD progress with the news that it is preparing to film four new, original films in the format, starring and produced by Adam Sandler. The deal will revolve around Sandler’s other …

Tags:4k| Large Display Monitor| Netflix| UltraHD| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21