Near-Eye Displays


We Don’t Need No Stinking VR

by Omid Rahmat

Stepping up from 3D to 2D could be the next big leap for Alt Reality products.

Tags:Augmented Reality| headsets| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Microdisplays| Near-Eye Displays| showcase| VR

Innolux Researchers Develop LCD-Based Light Field Display for VR Comfort

by Emory Kale

Researchers have been trying various methods to improve the quality and performance of near-eye displays. One of the promising techniques they’ve looked into involves using light field (LF) displays, which can offer a more realistic and immersive visual experience.

Tags:Innolux| LCD| Light Field Displays| Near-Eye Displays| research| showcase| VR

MicroLED: Still Not Ready for Prime Time

by Omid Rahmat

It’s been 24 years since the MicroLED was created. It’s been a decade since it was touted as the replacement for LCDs and OLEDs.

Tags:Fluidic Assembly| Mass Transfer| MicroLED| Near-Eye Displays| Roll-to-Roll Transfer| showcase