
Microsoft IVAS headset

Switching from Alt Reality to AI

by Omid Rahmat

What Display Daily thinks: Is artificial intelligence (AI) a great excuse to cut out the dead wood in your business or is it really a defining sea change in the focus of modern technology …

Tags:Artificial Intelligence (AI)| Hololens| Microsoft| MR| showcase| VR| XR

Microsoft Patents Display Technology

by Joseph Bryans

The core of Microsoft’s invention lies in its sophisticated approach to controlling the luminance of pixel rows within a digital display.

Tags:Microsoft| Patents| showcase

LG Softens its Hardware for the Future

by Omid Rahmat

Displays are the face of our computing future. It’s time to put some brains and personality behind them and not just lead with looks.

Tags:AI & Machine Learning| Apple| AWS| Google| LG| Microsoft| Software

A Mea Culpa on Games and Displays

by Omid Rahmat

Appealing to gamers is appealing to entertainment consumers.

Tags:Consoles| Game monitors| Microsoft| Nintendo| sony| TVs

Gaming Is Still the Killer App for All Displays

by Omid Rahmat

The gist of it: there are 3 gaming super powers, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. Microsoft and Sony are both pushing into streaming games, even as they pull against it. Every display has to be …

Tags:Apple| Intel| Microsoft| sony| Streaming Games