What Big Tech Says About Future Display Sales
by Omid Rahmat
Big tech’s second quarter results buoy up Wall Street but what’s in it for the display industry.
Tags:Apple| financials| | Microsoft| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
Big tech’s second quarter results buoy up Wall Street but what’s in it for the display industry.
Tags:Apple| financials| | Microsoft| showcase
by Shawnee Blackwood
DSCC’s forecasting OLED penetration to reach 16% of the global tablet market on a unit basis and 55% on a revenue basis by 2028.
Tags:Apple| DSCC| Huawei| iPad| Market Data| Microsoft| OLED| tablete
by Omid Rahmat
What Display Daily thinks: Is artificial intelligence (AI) a great excuse to cut out the dead wood in your business or is it really a defining sea change in the focus of modern technology …
Tags:Artificial Intelligence (AI)| Hololens| Microsoft| MR| showcase| VR| XR
by Omid Rahmat
Whoever gets the most monitors sold is the winner, and there can be only one.
Tags:Apple| Artificial Intelligence (AI)| Microsoft| monitors| PCs| Qualcomm| showcase| Windows
by Joseph Bryans
The core of Microsoft’s invention lies in its sophisticated approach to controlling the luminance of pixel rows within a digital display.
Tags:Microsoft| Patents| showcase
by Shawnee Blackwood
Microsoft has updated its Surface range of devices with 4 new devices: the Laptop Studio 2, the Laptop Go 3, the Go 4, and the Hub 3.
Tags:Digital Whiteboards| laptop| Microsoft| tablet
by Omid Rahmat
Displays are the face of our computing future. It’s time to put some brains and personality behind them and not just lead with looks.
Tags:AI & Machine Learning| Apple| AWS| Google| LG| Microsoft| Software
by Emory Kale
Microsoft has reached a critical milestone as the company delivers the first 20 IVAS 1.2 prototypes to the US Army for upcoming tests.
Tags:3D| Augmented Reality| headsets| Microsoft| Military & Defence
by Omid Rahmat
Appealing to gamers is appealing to entertainment consumers.
Tags:Consoles| Game monitors| Microsoft| Nintendo| sony| TVs
by Omid Rahmat
The gist of it: there are 3 gaming super powers, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. Microsoft and Sony are both pushing into streaming games, even as they pull against it. Every display has to be …
Tags:Apple| Intel| Microsoft| sony| Streaming Games
by Omid Rahmat
While Glartek is still a relatively small and niche AR player, it is worth keeping an eye on the company’s development.
Tags:Augmented Reality| Glartek| Hololens| Microsoft| Portugal
by Artem Alekseenko
This development comes just days after the company revealed its integration with the Magic Leap headset
Tags:ARway| Augmented Reality| Hololens| Magic Leap| Microsoft