

New York Psychologist Using VR to Treat Eating Disorders

by Andrew Fenn

Following recent reports that VR is being used to cure acrophobia, more commonly known as a fear of heights, another therapeutic use case for VR has been highlighted by The Wall Street Journal, this …

Tags:AR/VR| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 29

Aura Medical and Barco Support Mammography Workshop in Prague

by Andrew Fenn

The latest mammography workshop hosted by Medicon Group recently took place during a seminar at the Czech Academy of Science in Prague. Over 120 professionals attended the event, gaining insight into how to use …

Tags:Back Panel| Barco| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 28

VR Technology Designed to Treat Fear of Heights Trialled in UK

by Andrew Fenn

A woman says she has been cured of her fear of heights using new VR technology funded by Oxford VR, a spin-out from Oxford University. Fay Nugent, a 48-year-old malaria research project manager working …

Tags:AR/VR| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 28

Digital Surgery Deploys Surgical AI System for the Operating Room

by Andrew Fenn

Digital Surgery, a health tech company which claims it’s “shaping the future of surgery through the convergence of surgical expertise and technology”, has announced it has developed a real-time, dynamic AI system designed for …

Tags:AR/VR| Medical| Mixed Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 28

Barco Demos Medical Imaging Tool and Displays at US Conference

by Andrew Fenn

Barco exhibited its medical imaging tool SpotView, in addition to the Coronis Uniti 12MP and Nio Color 5.8MP display systems, at the International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI), which took place earlier this week …

Tags:Barco| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 27

Eizo 5 Megapixel Monitor uses LTPS

by Bob Raikes

Eizo Corp announced the RadiForce GX560, a 21.3″ which is a 5 megapixel (2048 x 2560) monochrome medical monitor designed for viewing mammography and breast tomosynthesis. Eizo said that it comes with space saving …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Eizo| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 25

Tianma Impressive as Usual

by Bob Raikes

Tianma had its usual long list of developments in a range of different industrial and specialist applications. The first product that we looked at was a circular display designed for automotive and other instrumentation …

Tags:AMOLED| Automotive| Flexible Displays| Large Display Monitor| LCD Panels| LTPS TFT| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Rugged Displays| SID Display Week 2018| Touch| Vol 25 - Issue 21| Wearables


SID 2018 Show Floor Roundup

by Bob Raikes

3M was at the show to demonstrate how its films could be used to reduce the power taken by TVs and monitors, which are increasingly being made to support HDR and high levels of …

Tags:Autostereo 3D| EPD (Electrophoretic)| Flexible Displays| Head Up Displays HUDs| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Microdisplays| Mobile Display Monitor| OLEDs| SID Display Week 2018| Touch| Upscaling| Vol 25 - Issue 21

HypnoVR Secures $830,000 in Seed Funding

by Andrew Fenn

HypnoVR, a provider of VR-based medical hypnosis solutions for managing pain and stress, has secured funding to the value of €700,000 (approximately $830,000) from lead investors Guillaume Richard, founder and chairman of OuiCare; Daniel …

Tags:AR/VR| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 23

VR Training Simulator Teaching Orthopaedic Surgery Students in the US

by Andrew Fenn

A proportion of training orthopaedic surgeons in the US are being taught with VR technology from Osso VR and Immersive Touch. The technology is currently being used in eight residency programmes, including Columbia, Harvard, …

Tags:AR/VR| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 23

HP Adds First Clinical Review Monitor

by Bob Raikes

A few weeks ago, we missed an announcement by HP – apologies. The company announced two new notebooks for healthcare and a monitor for clinical review applications. All three are approved to N/IEC 60601-1-2:2015 …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| Vol 25 - Issue 16

Taiwan Startup Launches Smart Wearables for the Elderly

by Andrew Fenn

Taiwan-based wearable startup, Zoetek, has introduced a range of products designed for the elderly, including a smart garment that can read temperature and detect falls, as well as incorporating GPS and emergency phone call …

Tags:Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartwatches| Vol 25 - Issue 15| Wearables