

TCL CSOT Rattles Large OLED Display Market

by Omid Rahmat

The Korean display industry has adopted the mantra that only the paranoid survive, and it may be right.

Tags:China| InkJet Deposition| JOLED| Korea| OLED| showcase| TCL CSOT

BOE Will Rule Flexible OLED Displays This Year

by Emory Kale

China’s OLED manufacturing capacity and its domestic market are weighing heavily on Korean minds.

Tags:AMOLED| BOE| China| Flexible Displays| foldables| Korea| OLED| showcase

Korean Premium OLED Display Exports Weather Economic Headwinds

by Emory Kale

The Korean Display Industry Association (KDIA) has released its most recent analysis of the display industry’s exports and it shows the importance of the industry to Korea’s high-tech economy but also the impact of sluggish demand for electronics goods.

Tags:KDIA| Korea| LCD| OLED

Under-30 South Koreans Bought Android as First Phone; Now on iOS

by Artem Alekseenko

The landscape of smartphone usage in South Korea has been experiencing noteworthy shifts, particularly among the younger demographic. Recent data from a comprehensive consumer survey conducted by Counterpoint Research during the first half of …

Tags:Android| Counterpoint| ioS| Korea| Smartphones