
Smartphone Growth Halves From 2014 to 2015

by Raverstead

Almost 1.3 billion smartphones will be shipped worldwide this year, says IDC, representing a 26.3% YoY gain. Growth will slow significantly next year to 12.2%, when 1.4 billion units are forecast to be sold. …

Tags:Android| IDC| iOS (Apple)| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphone Market| Vol 21 - Issue 48| Worldwide

Apple Gives Way to Google in the Classroom

by Raverstead

According to IDC, Apple’s iPads have been overtaken by Google’s Chromebooks in US schools for the first time. 715,500 Chromebooks were shipped to schools in Q3, compared to 702,000 iPads. Chromebooks now represent 25% …

Tags:Apple| Chromebooks| Education| Google| IDC| iPad| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| USA| Vol 21 - Issue 48

PCs Rebound But Tablets Fall in Europe

by Raverstead

Increased PC demand was the main driver for smart connected devices (SCDs) in Western Europe in Q3, which posted another period of growth. IDC’s data shows that PC, tablet and smartphone shipments totalled 60.1 …

Tags:IDC| Large Display Monitor| Market Shares - Brands| Mobile Display Monitor| PC Market (Personal Computers - PCs)| Smartphone Market| tablets| Vol 21 - Issue 49

Q3 PC Gains Do Not Suggest Recovery

by Raverstead

IDC has forecast a 2.7% fall in global PC shipments this year. Although still negative, this represents an improvement from the previous -3.7% forecast. Q3 shipments were down 0.5% YoY, but ‘most regions and …

Tags:Forecasts| IDC| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| PC Market (Personal Computers - PCs)| Vol 21 - Issue 47| Worldwide

Third Platform Will Dominate ICT Growth in 2015

by Raverstead

We recently ‘attended’ a webinar by IDC, covering the company’s prediction for the ‘third platform’. The third platform consists of 21st century technologies such as big data, mobile, the cloud and the internet of …

Tags:3D printing| IDC| Internet of Things IOT| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 48

Demographics by Smartphone Type

by Helen Vince

Smartphone – When it comes to smartphones, the world is a two class society. Well actually, when we look at the data provided by IDC it is more on its way to a one class …

Tags:IDC| Mobile Display Monitor| Opinion| Smartphone Market| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21

No Change in Monitor Technology Trends, Says IDC

by Super User

PC monitor shipments continued to fall worldwide in Q2’14, when compared to the same period a year earlier. The 32.5 million PC monitor shipments represented a YoY decline of 2.9%, IDC’s data has shown …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| IDC| Large Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 37| Volume 21

IDC: Rising EMEA PCs Mark Return to Growth

by Super User

PC shipments in EMEA increased 10.4% YoY in Q3, to 23.7 million units. As the second consecutive quarter of rising shipments, the result marks a ‘clear’ return to growth, says IDC. Western Europe’s mature …

Tags:IDC| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| PC Market (Personal Computers - PCs)| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

PCs Rise in APAC QoQ, But YoY Comparison is Down

by Super User

The market for PCs in APACxJ was up 8% QoQ in Q3, but down 5% YoY according to IDC. Total shipments equalled 26.6 million units – higher than the firm’s original forecasts. Consumer shipments …

Tags:APAC| IDC| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| PC Market (Personal Computers - PCs)| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Russian PCs Remain Low for Seventh Quarter

by Super User

PC shipments in Russia have fallen for the seventh consecutive quarter, IDC data has shown. Shipments were down 16.1% YoY in Q3, to a total of 2.27 million units overall. The portable PC market …

Tags:IDC| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| PC Market (Personal Computers - PCs)| Russia| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Smartphones Reach New High as Xiaomi Joins Top Vendors

by Super User

Global smartphone shipments remained above 300 million units in Q3’14, having reached that point in Q2. According to IDC, new releases and an increased emphasis on emerging markets were key. In total, vendors shipped …

Tags:IDC| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphone Market| Smartphones| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

US Demand Fuels Tablet Growth in Q3

by Super User

Worldwide tablet shipments were up 11.5% YoY in Q3’14, reaching 53.8 million units. IDC says that shipments were also up 11.2% QoQ, driven by back-to-school promotions and connected tablet demand in the USA – …

Tags:IDC| Mobile Display Monitor| tablets| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21