
Ford & Dassault Systèmes Produce “Mustang over Manhattan”

by Matthew Brennesholtz

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Mustang, Ford did a VR recreation of a stunt they first performed 50 years ago and repeated as part of the 50th anniversary celebration: they put a …

Tags:HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 13

Wireless Vive Adapter TPCast to Ship

by Alan Spencer

The first TPCAST Wireless Adaptors for HTC Vive are now delayed until the end of the month due to the production and testing processes taking longer than originally planned. The company has apologised to …

Tags:AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 13| Wireless

HTC Viveport Has Over 20,000 Developers

by Alan Spencer

According to Alvin Wang Graylin, president of HTC China, HTC’s Viveport has attracted over 20,000 registrations from independent VR application developers, resulting in the launch of around 2,200 applications. Graylin also believes that the …

Tags:AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 12

HTC February Result 07/03/2017

by Jasmine Kang Sodha

HTC reported its February monthly revenue at NT$4.6 billion ($147 million), which indicated a marginal 0.09% growth over the previous month and a substantial 11.2% growth on an yearly basis. The sales are expected …

Tags:Financial Data| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 09

HTC Looks to Tourism in China for VR

by Bob Raikes

HTC Vive has partnered with the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) and Renwoyou (Xiamen) Technology Development Co., Ltd. to develop tourism apps using VR. Vive has identified tourism as an industry that will be …

Tags:HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 08

HTC Results 02/15/2017

by Jasmine Kang Sodha

HTC announced FY16 Q4 results with net revenue of NT$22.2 bn ($720 mn) with net losses of NT$3.1 bn ($100.5 mn), however with an gross margin of 10.5%. The net revenue was the same …

Tags:Financial Data| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 06

Vive Forecasts VR Headset Cycles

by Bob Raikes

In an interview with the RoadtoVR blog, Alvin Wang Graylin, HTC’s China Regional President of Vive and the Vice-Chairman of Industry of VR Alliance and President of the VR Venture Capital Alliance, said that …

Tags:AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 04

Is the Consumer Ready for AR / VR / MR?

by Norbert Hildebrand

With CES just behind us and MWC looming on the horizon, we can see how the idea of augmented / virtual / mixed realities is dominating many of the headlines focusing on consumer electronics. …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HTC| Microsoft| Oculus Rift| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 04

HTC Vive Launches $10 Million “VR For Impact” Programme

by Bob Raikes

HTC Vive announced ‘VR For Impact, a $10 million programme to drive VR content and technologies that ‘create experiences that improve awareness, education, and lead to action’ at the WEF in Davos. The campaign …

Tags:AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 03

Microsoft Offers a Deal on Vive

by Bob Raikes

Microsoft has a deal for an HTC Vive on its store that gives an extra $100 discount which, when combined with a $100 Microsoft gift code in the offer, brings the price down to …

Tags:AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 51