Holographic Displays


Webinar: The Five W’s of Holographic Displays – Part I of II

by Artem Alekseenko

So what is a Holographic Display? Avalon Holographics will set the record straight beginning with the first of two webinars entitled: The Five W’s of Holographic Displays. This informative webinar takes place on June …

Tags:Holographic Displays

3D holographic head-up display could improve road safety

by Bob Raikes

What They Say A group from three UK universities has developed a LiDAR-based augmented reality head-up display for use in vehicles that is intended to help road safety by providing additional information to a …

Tags:Automotive| Head Up Displays HUDs| Holographic Displays

The “Wow” Factor is Just the Beginning (Part 2)

by Sri Peruvemba

Yesterday, I covered the development of several types of 3D displays and today I’m moving on to look at the practical applications. Here is the link to yesterday’s article (The “Wow” Factor is Just …

Tags:3D (Three Dimensions)| CAD-CAM-CAE| Holographic Displays| SID Display Week 2021| Simulation

The “Wow” Factor is Just the Beginning (Part 1)

by Sri Peruvemba

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. In 3D displays, it’s worth a million. The new generation of holographic displays creates an astounding effect of depth-of-view and enables the human eye to perceive …

Tags:3D (Three Dimensions)| Holographic Displays| SID Display Week 2021

Deep Learning Enables Real-Time 3D Holograms On a Smartphone

by Bob Raikes

What They Say IEEE Spectrum published an article about a new AI-based technique that has been developed to generate 3D holograms with very limited processing compared to conventional methods. The full material from the …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Holographic Displays| Mixed Reality| Virtual Reality| Visual Computing

Holography: The Future Of Augmented Reality Wearables

by Bob Raikes

What They Say VividQ, who we reported on from AWE Europe a couple of years ago, has issued a white paper to talk about what it sees as the future of AR wearables with …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Holographic Displays

Light Field Streaming Milestone Reached

by Chris Chinnock

Cable operator Charter Communications and host of partners used the recent SCTE*ISBE Cable-Tec Expo to showcase a light field capture-transmission-display demonstration. This is the first time such an end-to-end demonstration has been attempted and …

Tags:Holographic Displays| Light Field Displays| Networks| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

VitreaLab Developing Laser Backlight

by Chris Chinnock

One of the presentations from the recent SID DisplayWeek virtual event was from Vienna-based VitreaLab. They described a new RGB laser light engine that can be used as a backlight for conventional LCD displays …

Tags:Holographic Displays| Laser| Laser TVs| LCD Backlights| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

VividQ Collaborates with Arm to Power Holographic Display on Mobile

by Artem Alekseenko

VividQ is excited to be collaborating with Arm, a world leading technology provider of silicon IP, to further enable the integration of holographic display into AR wearables. With Arm’s support and expertise, we have …

Tags:Arm| Holographic Displays

Avalon Holographics Unveils First Generation Light Field Display

by Artem Alekseenko

The sci-fi dream of fully immersive, natural 3D experiences is one step closer to reality following the release of Avalon Holographics’ first generation prototype display. The 29-inch development system represents a significant milestone for …

Tags:Holographic Displays