
DMax & Eurosport Go FTA on DVB-T2

by Bob Raikes

Discovery Networks and Media Broadcast have agreed to distribute the Eurosport 1 HD and DMax HD channels free-to-air using the new DVB-T2 broadcast system which will go live at the end of March to …

Tags:FTA (Free to Air)| Germany| HDTV| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 01

Freeview Goes HD Only for New Sets

by Bob Raikes

Freeview in the UK has said that it will withdraw the Freeview logo from STBs and TVs from new devices from new devices that cannot support HD. The group said that Freeview is watched …

Tags:DTV| FTA (Free to Air)| HDTV| Large Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 51

SES to Carry More HDTV Channels for M7 Group in Central Eastern Europ

by Isaac Oburu

SES S.A. (Euronext Paris and Luxembourg Stock Exchange: SESG) announced today that the satellite television provider M7 Group has contracted additional capacity and extended an existing capacity contract on SES’s ASTRA 3B satellite positioned …

Tags:Europe| HDTV| SES

Arqiva Books Further Capacity With Eutelsat to Step Up HD Content

by Isaac Oburu

Arqiva, the leading communications infrastructure and media services company in the UK, today announced the signature of a multi-year commitment with Eutelsat Communications for a 15th transponder at the 28° East video neighbourhood to …

Tags:Broadcast| Capacity| HDTV| Satellite| UK (United Kingdom)

Fransat is All HD

by Milos Pavlovic

Free-to-view French satellite platform, Fransat, will begin to broadcast all of its channels in HD from the 1st December. They will be simulcast in SD until April 2016, at the same time as the …

Tags:France| HDTV| Large Display Monitor| Satellite| Vol 22 - Issue 47

RAI Boosts Tivusat HD Channels to 11

by Bob Raikes

RAI of Italy said that it would boost its HD channel count to 11 on its free-to-air (FTA) satellite platform, TivuSat. The current four channels will be joined by by three additional channels by …

Tags:HDTV| Italy| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Satellite| UltraHD| Vol 22 - Issue 42

Freeview confirms HD product future

by Bob Raikes

UK DTT platform Freeview has confirmed that the Freeview Trade Mark Licence will only be granted for HD products from the end of 2016 with the brand no longer appearing on new SD products. …

Tags:HDTV| Terrestrial (DTT)| UK (United Kingdom)

Freeview Boxes to be HD Only

by Bob Raikes

UK DTT platform Freeview has confirmed that the Freeview Trade Mark Licence will only be granted for HD products from the end of 2016 with the brand no longer appearing on new SD products. …

Tags:Broadcast| HDTV| Large Display Monitor| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 22 - Issue 38

CSA Opens Tender for HD Service License

by Tom Allen

French broadcasters are being invited to apply for a tender to offer HD services on the FTA DTT platform, by regulator the CSA. These services will use the DVB-T and MPEG-4 standards. Applications must …

Tags:France| HDTV| Large Display Monitor| Terrestrial (DTT)| Vol 22 - Issue 31