HDR - High Dynamic Range


Eurofins Digital Testing announces 4K HDR Ultra HD logo scheme

by Isaac Oburu

Giving consumers the confidence to invest in the latest and the best television technology will now be easier, thanks to a new logo scheme that delivers High Dynamic Range (HDR), Ultra-High Definition (UHD) and …

Tags:CES 2017| HDR - High Dynamic Range| UltraHD & 4K

HDMI 2.1 Spec Released

by Chris Chinnock

The HDMI Forum used CES 2017 to announce the upcoming release of Version 2.1, which will offer support for higher data rates, dynamic metadata and improved audio signaling. In terms of bandwidth, the data …

Tags:CES 2017| HDMI| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UltraHD (4KTV)| Variable Frame Rate (VRR)| Vol 24 - Issue 02

TCL Launches 25 Roku TVs and Two QD TVs

by Chris Chinnock

China-based TCL is coming on strong. At CES they launched 4 new series of TVs that include the full range of features including Roku integration, quantum dots, HDR and Dolby Vision. We attended the …

Tags:CES 2017| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Quantum Dots| TCL| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 24 - Issue 02

Rohde & Schwarz Can Test HLG over HDMI

by Bob Raikes

Rohde & Schwarz has a new module for its R&S VTC/VTE/VTS video tester family that can support testing of HDR and HDMI including HLG and it can support data rates up to 18Gbps. It …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Test Equipment| Vol 24 - Issue 01


BBC Fills in Background on HLG Adoption

by Bob Raikes

We spotted a nice article in the December SMPTE Newswatch email that reports on an interview with Tim Borer of the BBC about the HLG HRD specification and its development. Borer also goes on …

Tags:BBC| HDR - High Dynamic Range| SMPTE| Vol 24 - Issue 01

Nanosys to Show Color Volume Demo at CES 2017

by Chris Chinnock

To get a jump on our CES coverage, we decided to have a call with Jason Hartlove, CEO of quantum dot supplier, Nanosys, to learn more about their activities, what they will show at …

Tags:CES 2017| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Nanosys| Quantum Dots| Vol 24 - Issue 01

Samsung and YouTube Expand HDR Support

by Bob Raikes

Samsung has worked with YouTube to ensure that the YouTube app on the firm’s Smart TVs will support HDR content streaming. The update started rolling out just before Christmas and will apply to all …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Samsung| Vol 23 - Issue 51| YouTube

Samsung QD TVs Could be a Game Changer

by Chris Chinnock

Samsung has not officially revealed any details about it TV plans for 2017, which they will unveil at CES. But a news story in the ET Times of Korea and some info from other …

Tags:CES 2017| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Quantum Dots| Samsung

Samsung QD TVs Could be a Game Changer

by Chris Chinnock

Samsung has not officially revealed any details about it TV plans for 2017, which they will unveil at CES. But a news story in the ET Times of Korea and some info from other …

Tags:CES 2017| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Opinion| Quantum Dots| Samsung| Vol 23 - Issue 51

LG To Unveil Spectacular Monitor Lineup At CES 2017

by Isaac Oburu

Already renowned as an industry leader for integrating cutting-edge technology into premium, high-resolution monitors, LG Electronics (LG) is pushing the industry to the next level with plans to introduce a High Dynamic Range (HDR)-compatible …

Tags:CES 2017| HDR - High Dynamic Range| LG Electronics (LGE)