HDR - High Dynamic Range


Vizio Has HDR10 Firmware Update for E-Series

by Bob Raikes

Vizio said that it has a firmware update for its E Series enabling HDR10 compatibility with existing HDR Blu-ray players from Samsung (UHD-K8500) and Philips (BDP7501/F7), as well as PS4 and Xbox One S …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| USA| Vizio| Vol 24 - Issue 06

SMPTE/SID Meeting Discusses HDR, WCG and LED Signage

by Chris Chinnock

An evening meeting hosted by SMPTE and SID was held at Columbia University on February 2nd. Speaking were Gary Mandle of Sony Electronics, Norm Hurst of SRI International and Howard Witherspoon of DesignLED. Below …

Tags:Digital Signage| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| LED| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| sony| Vol 24 - Issue 05| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

Lars Borg Explains Dynamic Metadata

by Chris Chinnock

SMPTE organized a webinar conducted by Lars Borg, a principle scientist at Adobe, but who was also very active in the development of SMPTE standard ST-2094. In the webcast, Borg describes the various versions …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| ITU| SMPTE| Vol 24 - Issue 05| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

HDR in Live Productions in Germany

by Yvette Raikes

A two-day event is being held at 3IT in Berlin on 14th and 15th February. Technology Innovation Days 2017 is supported by Sony, Lawo, Arista and Rohde & Schwarz. The first day features presentations …

Tags:Back Panel| Germany| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Video over IP (VIP)| Vol 24 - Issue 03


Displays Meeting Planned for New York

by Yvette Raikes

A joint SMPTE/SID/MAC meeting is being held on the evening of 2nd February with the topic “Displays, Displays, Displays!” at Columbia University in New York. Speakers include Gary Mandle of Sony on HDR/WCG displays …

Tags:Back Panel| Events| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| USA| Vol 24 - Issue 03

HLG vs PQ Systems for HDR Television

by Matthew Brennesholtz

I have written multiple articles for Display Daily about high dynamic range (HDR) cinema and TV, as have other Display Daily authors. Most of these articles have been from the Dolby Vision/HDR 10 point …

Tags:BBC| Dolby| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Vol 24 - Issue 03

AVTop Updates HDR Tool

by Bob Raikes

AVTop in Germany has released a new version of its tool called HDRmaster that is designed to the analysis of RAW signal levels of HDR video source files and to edit metadata. AVTop quoted …

Tags:4k| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Testing| Vol 24 - Issue 03

Samsung Ties up with Calman

by Chris Chinnock

One of the key messages themes from Samsung, and I suspect will be for the whole TV industry in 2017, was color volume over color gamut. Color volume takes into account the color performance …

Tags:CES 2017| Display Calibration| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Portrait Displays| Samsung| Vol 24 - Issue 03| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

Samsung Innovates in TVs

by Chris Chinnock

Samsung officially unveiled a number of TV-related innovations at CES 2017. We described some of them in a pre-CES article (Samsung QD TVs Could be a Game Changer), but additional details and models were …

Tags:CES 2017| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Quantum Dots| Samsung| Vol 24 - Issue 02| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)| Wide Viewing Angles

Technicolor Talks HDR & VR at CES 2017

by Chris Chinnock

Technicolor had their usual suite in the Venetian where they showcased a number of technologies they are working on. These are primarily related to VR and HDR. One area they highlighted was their partnership …

Tags:CES 2017| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Technicolor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 02