HDR - High Dynamic Range


Who Says Metadata Isn’t Coming to Broadcast?

by Chris Chinnock

One of the big issues for HDR use in broadcast is the metadata question. Broadcasters keep saying they do not want to have metadata as part of their workflow, but it exists in capture …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NAB 2017| Vol 24 - Issue 17

Camera/Viewfinder Round Up

by Chris Chinnock

Hitachi was showing the Z-HD5500 broadcast camera that they launched last year. It is an HD, not UHD resolution camera that allows the operator to use three HDR OETF curves: HLG600, HLG 1200 or …

Tags:Canon| Field Monitors| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Hitachi| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NAB 2017| sony| Viewfinders| Vol 24 - Issue 17

HDR-SDR Converters Proliferate

by Chris Chinnock

One of the big trends at NAB 2017 was the announcements of SDR/HDR converter boxes. These are needed to support HDR workflows because there will be a mixture of SDR content and HDR content …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| NAB 2017| Vol 24 - Issue 17

Atomos’ Novel Monitor/Recorder/Switcher

by Chris Chinnock

Atomos has developed Sumo, a device for monitoring and recording High Dynamic Range (HDR) which can also perform live HD switching. The unit features a 19-inch LCD panel with 1200 nits of brightness and …

Tags:Field Monitors| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NAB 2017| Vol 24 - Issue 17

UHD Forum Showcases Full Ecosystem Solutions

by Chris Chinnock

The Ultra HD Forum, a group that sets best practices for the pixel-packed video format, helped support 14 HDR demos at NAB 2017. These included “Deployable Phase A” technologies that represent current challenges, including …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| HFR - High Frame Rate| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NAB 2017| UltraHD| Vol 24 - Issue 17

Technicolor HDR Workflow Updates from NAB

by Chris Chinnock

We had a chance to meet with Technicolor in their suite to get an update on their HDR workflow, which is geared for broadcast production. Called Advanced HDR by Technicolor, the idea is to …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| NAB 2017| Technicolor| Vol 24 - Issue 17

Dolby Updates for Live Production

by Chris Chinnock

Dolby’s Pat Griffis walked us around the Dolby booth to provide an update with a focus on using PQ in a live HDR broadcast workflow. The PQ workflow can be very versatile, he explained, …

Tags:Dolby| Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NAB 2017| Semiconductors| STBs| Vol 24 - Issue 17

Canon Shows HDR Projection

by Chris Chinnock

Canon was showing a projection-based HDR demo at NAB that was not too bad, in my view. The projector was their 4K501ST that was modified to cover the full DCI-P3 color gamut. Content was …

Tags:Canon| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| NAB 2017| Vol 24 - Issue 17

Future of Cinema Conference Round up

by Chris Chinnock

Frank Poradish of Brass Roots Technology gave an overview of the evolution of digital projection in the cinema touching on the latest trends in resolution, higher contrast, laser illumination, higher frame rates and wide …

Tags:Cinema| Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| NAB 2017| Vol 24 - Issue 17

SpectraCal and LG Developing Better HDR Calibration Solution

by Chris Chinnock

Tyler Pruitt from SpectraCal, now part of Portrait Display, said that calibrating an HDR display is much harder than an SDR display. With HDR content, there is almost always a color volume remapping function …

Tags:Display Metrology| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| NAB 2017| Portrait Displays| Vol 24 - Issue 17

ICtCp Better than CIELab for Measuring Color Differences with HDR

by Chris Chinnock

Liz Pieri of Dolby Labs gave a presentation explaining why in HDR displays, one should really use the ICtCp color space instead of the Lab space. The reason is that using the DeltaE2000 metric …

Tags:Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| NAB 2017| Vol 24 - Issue 17

AptoVision BlueRiver NT1000 Hardware Development Kit Now Available

by Isaac Oburu

AptoVision™ today announced the immediate availability of the BlueRiver™ NT1000 Hardware Development Kit. BlueRiver™ NT1000 is the latest product in AptoVision’s BlueRiver NT+ Series of AV-over-IP chipsets, which remain the world’s only chipsets to …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Interface Chips