HDR - High Dynamic Range


Hoffmann Looks for Adaptive TV

by Bob Raikes

Dr. Hans Hoffmann of the EBU is an experienced technologist in the European TV market and recently wrote an article that highlights the problems that have been caused by the fragmentation of the broadcast …

Tags:Broadcast| EBU| HDR - High Dynamic Range| HFR - High Frame Rate| Large Display Monitor| UltraHD| Vol 24 - Issue 38

Samsung Preparing for HDR10+

by Bob Raikes

Samsung published an interview that it conducted with Bill Mandel, VP, Digital Media Solutions Lab, Samsung Research America about the development of HDR10+, the technology that the company has developed for PQ-based HDR using …

Tags:4k| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Samsung| Vol 24 - Issue 39

Dual Layer LCDs Exciting but Power Hungry

by Bob Raikes

We decided to make a combined LDM/MDM issue this week as we were trying to catch up after finishing the IBC report. We didn’t think you would mind as we have produced a lot …

Tags:Editorial| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| LCD displays| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 36

IBC Interest is Mainly in Smaller Displays

by Bob Raikes

Quite a few of the interesting display developments at IBC were previewed at NAB, but many of the products were shown for the first time in Europe. For us, a highlight was the Eizo …

Tags:Broadcast Monitors| Dual Panel LCDs| HDR - High Dynamic Range| HFR - High Frame Rate| IBC 2017| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Satellite| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UltraHD| Vol 24 - Issue 35

Flanders Scientific Have OLED & 2K HDR LCD Monitor

by Bob Raikes

Flanders Scientific is a specialist supplier of broadcast monitors that has a special relationship with Zunzheng Digital Video Co Ltd in China as a sales agent and also supporting manufacturing. One new monitor was …

Tags:Broadcast Monitors| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IBC 2017| Large Display Monitor| OLEDs| Vol 24 - Issue 35

Ikegami Looking to HDR for New Monitors

by Bob Raikes

Ikegami is a specialist supplier of cameras and monitors for broadcast as well as medical applications. There were a number of new monitors as well as what it claims is the world’s first 2/3 …

Tags:Broadcast Monitors| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IBC 2017| Large Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 35

BBC Updates on HLG Status

by Bob Raikes

Andrew Cotton from the BBC’s R&D department is one of the developers of the HLG EOTF and gave an update on the development of support for the technology as one of SES’s excellent technical …

Tags:BBC| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IBC 2017| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 35

Warner Bros Announces First UHD Blu-ray Release

by Andrew Fenn

Warner Bros has confirmed that its first Ultra HD Blu-ray release will be season one of HBO’s Westworld. Warner Bros was announced as one of the many studios planning to work with Dolby Vision …

Tags:4k| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| UltraHD| Vol 24 - Issue 36

Dolby Delivery Concept

Dolby Has A Way of Creating Dynamic Metadata

by Bob Raikes

Dolby took us on a tour of its booth and most of the time was devoted to audio. Dolby has developed AC-4 ‘next generation’ object-based audio which is one of two standards that have …

Tags:3D Object-based Audio| Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IBC 2017| Large Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 35

Acronym Soup at IBC

by Bob Raikes

I still have a lot of work to do to finalise my report on the IBC event that finished last week, but there were a number of things to see and think about. As …

Tags:Broadcast Monitors| Codecs| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 24 - Issue 36

Sony Adds 8K Camera and Highlights Cloud

by Bob Raikes

Sony was in a very positive mood when it gave its press event just before the show floor opened and on its booth. Sony has been working with the BBC which now can produce …

Tags:Broadcast Monitors| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IBC 2017| Large Display Monitor| OLEDs| sony| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 24 - Issue 35

Ericsson Develops Intelligent Tone Mapping

by Bob Raikes

It’s always good to get an update from Ericsson at IBC about quality standards. The company processes a lot of the video that gets broadcast and Matthew Goldman is who we usually talk to …

Tags:Ericsson| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IBC 2017| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 35