HDR - High Dynamic Range


Samsung Non-PQ Issues Highlighted in Review

by Bob Raikes

We like the YouTube TV reviews done by Vincent Teoh on YouTube as he is a passionate believer in accuracy in testing and display performance – he is a professional calibrator. This week, he …

Tags:4k| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Samsung| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 25 - Issue 20

VR, HDR & Simulation

by Bob Raikes

I was at two events this week – the ITEC event in Stuttgart and the NEC Showcase in London. I had hoped to get the ITEC report done for this week, but it didn’t …

Tags:Editorial| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Simulation| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 19

YouTube Adds Newer iPhones to List of HDR-Compatible Devices

by Andrew Fenn

HDR on YouTube is now supported on iPhone X, 8 and 8 Plus, joining the Google Pixel, LG V30 and Samsung Galaxy S8, as well as Sony’s Xperia XZ Premium. These are the first …

Tags:Apple| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Mobile Display Monitor| OTT Video| Vol 25 - Issue 19| YouTube

VESA Rolls Out DisplayHDR Test Tool for PC HDR Display Professionals

by Bob Raikes

The Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) has released a new DisplayHDRtest tool that is intended to allow users to confirm the display parameters set out in VESA’s High-Performance Monitor and Display Compliance Test Specification …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Testing| VESA| Vol 25 - Issue 18

Should HDR Displays Follow the PQ Curve?

by Chris Chinnock

This topic of discussion started as an email thread in the HDR work group of the International Committee of Display Metrology (ICDM) and then sparked a long discussion in the recent face-to-face meeting in …

Tags:Colour Grading| Colour Management & Processing| HDR - High Dynamic Range| ICDM| Measurement| Vol 25 - Issue 18

Rakuten TV Launches Content in Dolby Vision and Atmos

by Andrew Fenn

It has been announced that Rakuten TV will be the first video on-demand service in Europe to release content in Dolby Vision HDR and Dolby Atmos sound, for LG OLED and SUHD smart TVs. …

Tags:Dolby| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| LG Electronics (LGE)| Mobile Display Monitor| SVOD| Vol 25 - Issue 18

Sony Shows New Laser Phosphor Cinema Projector

by Chris Chinnock

Sony used CinemaCon 2018 to introduce the SRX-R815P, a 15K lumen, 10,000:1 laser phosphor projector aimed at the cinema market, along with the SRX-R815DS, the dual stack version that uses two of these 815R …

Tags:Cinema| CinemaCon 2018| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Laser Phosphor Projectors| Vol 25 - Issue 17

Sony Shows Off CLED Screen at CinemaCon

by Chris Chinnock

Sony organized a meeting for the media to showcase and discuss their Crystal LED (CLED) screen. Unfortunately, they did not show a version optimized for cinema, but they did say that a version is …

Tags:Cinema| CinemaCon 2018| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| LED Cinema| Vol 25 - Issue 17

Samsung’s LED Demo at CinemaCon

by Chris Chinnock

Much of the same messaging and information we saw in Los Angeles on our visits to Roundabout and the Winnetka theater (Samsung Launches First U.S. LED Cinema Screen along with Post Production Facility) was …

Tags:Active Shutter 3D| Cinema going| CinemaCon 2018| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| LED Cinema| Vol 25 - Issue 17

Éclair Launches Hybrid Tone Mapping Approach

by Chris Chinnock

Éclair, which is part if the Ymagis Group, used CinemaCon 2018 to unveil a new Hybrid Tone Mapping (HTM) approach for creating an HDR cinema master and other deliverables including the SDR DCI version. …

Tags:Cinema| CinemaCon 2018| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 17

LDM Vol 25 Issue 17 Product Roundup

by Bob Raikes

Adlink Technologies of Taipei has a new industrial PC, the MXE-1500 that can support up to three displays with a VGA, a DisplayPort and an LVDS output which can be used simultaneously. The LVDS …

Tags:Acer| Asus| Desktop Monitors| Europe| Game Playing| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Pricing| Rugged Displays| Vol 25 - Issue 17

Cinionic Shows HC Projector, Lobby AR and VR

by Chris Chinnock

Cinionic announced a new Smart Laser High Contrast (HC) projector series at CinemaCon that feature 4K resolution, a laser phosphor light source but lower lumen output compared to previous HC models in the Cinionic …

Tags:Barco| Cinema| CinemaCon 2018| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Laser Phosphor Projectors| Vol 25 - Issue 17