Financial Data


Blackberry Result 01/04/2015

by Helen Vince

Blackberry Limited has released its fourth quarter and full year results, posting a net profit in Q4 of $28 million on turnover of $660 million, which compares with a net loss in the final …

Tags:BlackBerry| Financial Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 14

Acer Result 26/03/2015

by Helen Vince

Acer Inc. has released its fourth quarter and full year results, posting a net profit for the year of NT$1.8 billion ($56.4 million) on turnover of NT$329.7 billion ($10.4 billion). In Q4, the company …

Tags:Acer| Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 13

Vixs Result 26/03/2015

by Helen Vince

Vixs Systems Inc. recorded a net loss in Q4 of $3.7 million on turnover of $11.2 million, which compares with a net loss in the final quarter of last year of $7.6 million on …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| ViXS| Vol 22 - Issue 13

Nanoco Result 25/03/2015

by Helen Vince

Nanoco Group plc has released its half year results, recording a net loss of £3.1 million ($4.6 million) on turnover of £1.6 million ($2.3 million), which compares with a net loss for the first …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Nanoco| Quantum Dots| Vol 22 - Issue 13

Jabil Result 20/03/2015

by Helen Vince

Jabil Circuit Inc. has reported its preliminary second quarter results, posting a net profit of $52 million on turnover of $4.3 billion, which compares with a net loss of $38.7 million on turnover of …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 13

Sharp Rebuts Latest Rumours

by Helen Vince

Sharp has issued a further denial to reports in Nikkei this week that it is planning job cuts, capital enforcement and a revised earnings forecast. Nikkei had claimed that Sharp was seeking a ¥200 …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| sharp| Vol 22 - Issue 12

Hannstar Display Result 17/03/2015

by Helen Vince

Hannstar Display has released its fourth quarter and full year results, posting a net loss of NT$659 million ($20.9 million) in Q4,which compares with a net profit in the final quarter of the previous …

Tags:Financial Data| Hannstar (Hannspree)| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 12

Sony Result 19/03/2015

by Helen Vince

Sony Corporation recorded a net profit of ¥90 billion ($746.3 million) in the third quarter of the year on turnover of ¥2.5 trillion ($20.7 billion), which compares with a net profit in Q3 of …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| sony| Vol 22 - Issue 12

Intel Cuts Revenue Forecast

by Helen Vince

Intel has cut its first quarter turnover forecast by almost a billion dollars, saying it now expects turnover to be around $12.8 billion having previously forecast $13.7 billion. The change in outlook is a …

Tags:Financial Data| Intel| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 12

Emagin Result 19/03/2015

by Helen Vince

Emagin Corporation has released its fourth quarter and full year results, posting a net loss of $1.5 million on turnover of $6.7 million in Q4, which compares with a net loss of $8.7 million …

Tags:eMagin| Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 12

Computacenter Result 19/03/2015

by Helen Vince

Computacenter plc has released its 2014 results, reporting a net profit of £55.1 million ($81.3 million) for the year on turnover of £3.1 billion ($4.5 billion), which compares with a net profit a year …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 12

Taiwan’s Notebook Manufacturers Report Slow February

by Helen Vince

Taiwan’s major notebook manufacturers and ODMs reported sequential sales declines in February, a traditionally slow month because of fewer working days and the Chinese New Year. Acer reported a 9% month on month and …

Tags:Acer| Asus| Compal| Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| ODMs & OEMs| Vol 22 - Issue 11