Fibre optics


DVIGear Extends HDMI to 1.2 Miles

by Raverstead

The DVI-7313 and DVI-7314 are single-fibre extenders supporting DCI-4k (30fps) signals, sending them up to 500m (DVI-7313) or 1.2 miles (DVI-7314). Aimed at the pro AV and rental & staging markets, DVIGear’s new products …

Tags:Fibre optics| HDMI| Large Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 49

Muxlab Offers Way to Extend 4K Video Signal to 150 Meters

by Helen Vince

Connectivity – Sending a 4K signal from a camera back to a recorder or production truck often involves using fiber optic cable if the distances are fairly long. Now, a Canadian company called Muxlab (Montreal, Canada) has …

Tags:4K DCI| 6G-SDI| Ethernet| Fibre optics| Vol 21 - Issue 44