

Facebook will keep investing heavily in AR and VR

by Bob Raikes

What They Say During Facebook’s Q1 2021 earnings call, Marki Zuckerberg highlighted the continued investment in AR & VR as a key to ‘the next computing platform’. In a comment that was aimed at …

Tags:Augmented Reality| | Financial Data| Investment| Virtual Reality

Facebook plans to release an Oculus Quest “Pro”

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Facebook said in a Twitter dialogue that it expects to extend the life of the Quest 2 headset “for a long while” and will introduce a “Pro” version, but not this …

Tags:| Virtual Reality

MicroLED IP: Startups and Newcomers are Challenging the Heavyweights

by Artem Alekseenko

Joining Apple, Samsung, LG, XDisplay, PlayNitride, Facebook and others, newcomers are accelerating microLED patenting activity. OUTLINE: IP landscape:8900+ patents filed by close to 480 organizations now represent a cumulated total of 4093 families selected …

Tags:Apple| | MicroLED| Patents| Samsung

10K Facebook Employees Working on AR/VR

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Information reported that nearly a fifth of Amazon’s global workforce are working on AR and VR projects and that 17% of employees are in the AR/VR division, up 5% from …

Tags:Augmented Reality| | Investment| Virtual Reality

Mark Zuckerberg Talks on the Future of AR and VR

by Bob Raikes

The Information 411 published a 45 minute interview on the Future of AR & VR with Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg said that Facebook is so involved with AR & VR because he sees Facebook as …

Tags:Augmented Reality| | Mixed Reality| Virtual Reality

Zuckerberg Commits to XR Future

by Bob Raikes

What They Say In a year end speech to employees, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said that he would be “particularly focused” on technologies that deliver “a deeper sense of presence,” like augmented and …

Tags:Augmented Reality| | Mixed Reality| Virtual Reality

Germany Takes Action on Facebook Oculus Links

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Germany’s Federal Cartel Office, or Bundeskartellamt, said it initiated formal “abuse proceedings” over Facebook’s requirement that new Oculus device owners register and sign in with a Facebook account. The company started …

Tags:| Litigation| Oculus VR

Facebook Watch has launched on Vizio SmartCast TV sets.

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Vizio in the US has added a new app to allow the viewing of video content from Facebook Watch. The tech giant has been expanding its video content to include sponsored …

Tags:| Smart TV| Vizio

MicroLED Display Developer To Work With Facebook

by Artem Alekseenko

Plessey, an embedded technologies developer at the forefront of microLED technology for augmented and mixed reality (AR/MR) display applications, is sharing news of an exciting new venture. We have decided to work with Facebook …

Tags:| MicroLED

Will StarBoard Be Running on Garta This Christmas?

by Norbert Hildebrand

In case you are confused by the title or think that I enjoyed too much booze while writing this article, these are all references to the latest news about Apple’s famed AR glasses. Since …

Tags:Amazon| Apple| Augmented Reality|