Employment and Redundancies


Ziggo to Axe 450 Jobs Over 3 Years

by Helen Vince

Dutch cable company Ziggo says it will cut around 450 jobs over the next three years. The move follows the completion last year of Ziggo’s merger with Liberty Global’s UPC Netherlands division (Display Monitor …

Tags:Employment and Redundancies| Large Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 15

Hon Hai Says it’s Not Cutting Jobs

by Helen Vince

Hon Hai Group says it does not plan to reduce the number of people it employs and that it will maintain its employee numbers at more than one million worldwide. The group was responding …

Tags:Employment and Redundancies| Foxconn (Honhai)| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 05

Sony to Cut More Smartphone Unit Jobs

by Helen Vince

Sony is planning a further 1,000 job cuts in its loss-making smartphone business in Europe and China, in addition to the 1,000 job losses announced last October. Reports suggest that the main regions to …

Tags:China| Employment and Redundancies| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Reorganisation & Restructuring| Smartphones| sony| Sweden| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 22 - Issue 05