Augmented Reality


Samsung, Google, and Qualcomm Bond Over Android XR

by Omid Rahmat

Companies form a united front for everyone wanting to get into AR, VR, and XR, and who isn’t Meta or Apple.

Tags:Apple| Augmented Reality| Google| meta| Qualcomm| Samsung| showcase| VR| XR

Enhancing LCD Clarity for Augmented Reality

by Joseph Bryans

A pathway to achieving high refractive index modulation, low haze, high diffraction efficiency, and improved electro-optic response.

Tags:Augmented Reality| LCD| research| showcase

Meta Diverges From Apple on Spatial Computing

by Omid Rahmat

Meta stakes its claim to the high ground in consumer AR against Apple and opens door to new display competition.

Tags:Augmented Reality| JBD| LEDoS| meta| showcase| smart glasses