

Portrait Supplies DisplayWidget to Asus

by Tom Allen

Portrait Displays has developed its DisplayWidget software for Asus’ newest MG-series gaming monitors (which we have previously reported). The tool provides users with fast access to and management of display settings, and can also …

Tags:Asus| Back Panel| Desktop Monitors| Large Display Monitor| Portrait Displays| Software| Vol 23 - Issue 14

PC Decline at Worst Point in Nine Years

by Tom Allen

Global PC shipments fell 9.6% YoY in Q1’16 – the sixth consecutive quarter of declines. Shipments reached 64.8 million units: the first time that they have fallen below 65 million since 2007, says Gartner. …

Tags:Apple| Asus| Dell| Gartner| HP Inc| IDC| Large Display Monitor| Lenovo| Mobile Display Monitor| PC Market (Personal Computers - PCs)| Vol 23 - Issue 14| Worldwide


Asus Up in March

by Tom Allen

Asus’s revenues rose 37.2% MoM and 15.33% YoY in March, totalling NT$48.6 billion ($1.5 billion). Calendar Q1 consolidated revenues reached NT$119.3 billion ($3.7 billion), down 10.1% QoQ but up 6.6% YoY. Asus shipped 4.9 …

Tags:Asus| Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 14

Epson, InFocus and Aaxa Lead in February

by Tom Allen

PMA Research has announced the top-selling projectors in the USA in February. The company divides the results into three categories: ‘pico and personal’, ‘mainstream’ and ‘4,000+ lumen’. The February results showed Epson topping the …

Tags:Asus| Epson| InFocus| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Optoma| PMA Research| Projectors| USA| Vol 23 - Issue 12

Asus Adds Android Wear 6.0

by Tom Allen

The latest software update for Android Wear has been rolled out to the Asus Zenwatch 2 (WI501Q and WI502Q). This version adds speaker support; wrist gestures for control and screen dimming; and video and …

Tags:Android Wear| Asus| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartwatches| Software| Vol 23 - Issue 10

LDM Product Roundup Vol 23 No 09

by Tom Allen

Asus‘ MG24UQ UltraHD monitor (LDM Product Roundup – Vol 23 No 03) will be available for sale ‘soon’. However, the company has still not shared pricing information. The WU1500 DLP projector, which Optoma introduced …

Tags:Asus| Desktop Monitors| DLP Projectors| ISE 2016| Large Display Monitor| Laser Phosphor Projectors| Optoma| UltraHD| Vivitek| Vol 23 - Issue 09


Asustek to Focus More on Notebooks

by Isaac Oburu

Asus feels its tablet sales are unlikely to be able to achieve growth in 2016, according tto sources in Asia. The firm shipped 5.9 million tablets in 2015 and is looking to ship 5-6 …

Tags:Asus| Mobile Display Monitor| tablets| Vol 23 - Issue 08


Zenfone Shipments Lowered

by Isaac Oburu

Asus has adjusted the set target for worldwide shipments of its Zenfone-series smartphones from 30 million to 25 million units. Analysts suspect the downward adjustment is due to increasing competition from China-based smartphone vendors …

Tags:Asus| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 23 - Issue 07

Asustek Challenges Knox

by Tom Allen

Asus has released a video showing off a new series of business tablets called the Zenpad M Series, although information about them is still thin. Built for business, the 7″ and 10″ units are …

Tags:Asus| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Security| Software| tablets| Vol 23 - Issue 07


Asustek Forecasts Flat Shipments

by Tom Allen

Asus CEO Jerry Shen has said that the company’s Q1’16 revenues are expected to drop 16% QoQ, although they should be flat YoY. Operating margins will remain steady at around 4.5%. Challenges are expected …

Tags:Asus| Convertible PCs| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 07

Detachables Sustain European Tablet Market

by Tom Allen

More than 14 million tablets were shipped to Western Europe in Q4’15: a 10.1% decline YoY, says IDC. In value terms, however, the decline was only 1.8% thanks to the rising penetration of detachable …

Tags:Amazon| Apple| Asus| Convertible PCs| Europe| IDC| Large Display Monitor| Lenovo| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| tablets| Vol 23 - Issue 07

Asus Joins the Trek to B2B

by Bob Raikes

Over the last two or three years, we have seen Taiwanese companies (following many of their Japanese counterparts) moving towards the B2B display business. BenQ was one of the first, but we have since …

Tags:Asus| ISE 2016| Large Display Monitor| LFD - Large Format Display| Touch Displays| Vol 23 - Issue 06