3D Cinema


Sony Helps Estonian Independent Cinemas Embrace 4K and 3D Technology

by Vanessa Browning

Sony’s 4k and 3D cinema technology is now available to smaller Estonian independent cinema communities. Sony’s partner in Estonia, Miterassa Ltd., has installed several 4k projectors in a selection of smaller independent cinemas, including …

Tags:3D Cinema| 4K DCI| Back Panel| Cinema Projection| Large Display Monitor| sony| Vol 22 - Issue 07

Moscow University Automates Mismatch Detection

by Tom Allen

The Graphics & Media Lab CMC of Lomonosov Moscow State University has developed ‘a practical algorithm for automatic channel mismatch detection in S3D video’. The algorithm was used to evaluate more than 100 S3D films in …

Tags:3D| 3D Cinema| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 05

3D Omnia Introduces Cinema Polarization Modulator

by Matthew Brennesholtz

Projection – Digital Cinema – 3D Omnia (Gwangmyeong, South Korea) has introduced an improved polarization modulator for 3D digital cinema that the company says will significantly increase the efficiency of polarized 3D systems, thereby …

Tags:3D Cinema| Large Display Monitor| Polariser-based 3D| Polarisers

3D Film Festival in Los Angeles is Adding Virtual Reality Fest

by Raverstead

3DFF (3D Film Festival) is organizing the next one day 3D film show in Los Angeles on December 6. If you are a 3D fan and in Los Angeles that day, this may be …

Tags:3D Cinema| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 48

Volfoni Chosen by Asia Cinema

by Super User

Volfoni’s Smartcrystal Diamond 3D technology has been installed in the showroom shared by Walt Disney Studios and Sony Pictures Releasing, at Asia Cinema’s Moscow location. The passive 3D system uses a ‘triple beam’ technology, …

Tags:3D Cinema| Back Panel| Large Display Monitor| Passive 3D| Vol 21 - Issue 37| Volume 21

3D AIS Presents Lumieres at 5th Annual Awards

by Super User

19 companies and organisations were honoured with awards from the International 3D and Advanced Imaging Society last month. Masterimage 3D, Barco and Volfoni were both among the award winners, for ‘Advancing the Entertainment Industry …

Tags:3D Cinema| Back Panel| Cinema Projection| Large Display Monitor| Laser Projectors| Vol 21 - Issue 39| Volume 21

Vue Cinemas to Upgrade to Sony 3D

by Super User

Vue Entertainment International is upgrading around 400 of its Sony 4k projection systems across Europe to Sony Digital Cinema 3D. The conversion process is expected to take three to four years and will be …

Tags:3D Cinema| Back Panel| Large Display Monitor| sony| Vol 21 - Issue 35| Volume 21