Strategy Analytics: OLED Drives the Smartphone Display Panel Market in 2021

What They Say

Strategy Analytics released its estimate for the revenue shares of the main panel makers in OLEDs for smartphones in 2021. It had SDC at 49% of the market which it judged at $46 billion, which was more than 5% growth.

Jeffrey Mathews , Senior Analyst at Strategy Analytics commented,

“OLED display panels saw increased adoption in the supply chains of leading smartphone OEMs. We note more than 600 million OLED panels for smartphones were shipped to OEMs. The OLED segment continued to see strong momentum in terms of customer demand. However, the shortage of display driver ICs and increasing BOM restricted the growth of the OLED segment and allowed LCD panels to capture volumes.”

Separately, Counterpoint published a blog that highlighted that it expects the growth in OLED adoption to slow down in the smartphone market in 2022. It will still grow, but more slowly. It sees the key challenge as a drop in the ASP for 5G handsets. Manufacturers ‘desperately’ looking to cut costs appear to be compromising on the display, the firm said.

What We Think

It’s always to get more than one view on a market or topic, but I am finding what we get from Strategy Analytics of diminishing value.

I remember, when I was selling market research on monitors, that I went to a presentation by one of the major PC research vendors at CeBIT. After listening through to the full presentation, there was no mention of displays. At the time, the PC display market was going through a huge re-alignment around LCD. I was happy that the firm was not really a competitor if it hadn’t spotted that!

I later employed an analyst for the firm (briefly). He hed the great skill of many of the firm’s analysts of stating the blindingly obvious as though it was a great pearl of analytic wisdom! (BR)

SP Display Panel Market 2021

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