
SONIQ Smart TVs Integrate SERAPHIC Browser for YouTube TV

SONIQ, the renowned Australian smart TV manufacturer, announced a partnership with SERAPHIC to integrate its YouTube TV solution in smart TVs. SERAPHIC is a leading digital TV browser and “TV+ Internet” solution provider.

To gain more TV audience in prime time, it has become an essential for smart TVs to support YouTube TV application. According to YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki’s speech in annual pitch of 2016, YouTube has reached more 18- to 49-year-olds in the U.S. during prime time than the top 10 TV shows combined. She also added that time spent watching YouTube on TV screens more than doubled year after year as of the end of 2015.

However, it becomes remarkably challenging to pass YouTube TV certification than before, because YouTube sets stricter requirements of performance such as the initial loading speed, animation, browser-to-watch time, etc.

The partnership between SONIQ and SERAPHIC provide an answer to this conundrum by enabling the easy and effective delivery of certified YouTube TV application.

SERAPHIC’s Sraf HTML5 Browser, based on Blink engine and amongst few strongest HTML5 Browsers in the TV field, well matches all performance and memory usage requirement of the challenging YouTube TV certification. It enables YouTube TV application built in SONIQ smart TVs to reduce the initial launch time to 13s, 2s quicker than YouTube TV requires; it also improves browser-to-watch time to 2.8s, with the full animation enabled.

Simon Wu, Vice President of SONIQ, commented, “Thanks to SERAPHIC, SONIQ has seen gains in Australian market ever since our cooperation on Linux-based Smart TVs in early 2016. We are delighted to partner with SERAPHIC. Our customers will love the idea of holding a smart TV pre-integrated with YouTube TV application.”

Ye Wang, CEO of SERAPHIC, said, “SERAPHIC has been providing best in class browser solutions for a wide range of platforms for years. Besides, we work closely with leading chipset vendors, such as MStar, Broadcom, Hisilicon, etc., and make deep integration to accelerate time to market for device manufacturers.”