
Smart Digital Screen Launches Real Smart Ds A Digital Signage Platform to Provide Detterence From Terrorism At Marathons And Sporting Events

Smart Digital Screen, in association with Race Director University, is launching Real Smart DS, a digital signage platform mounted on ten foot x two-foot truss. This aluminum based structure provides additional safety and security at marathons, sporting events and special events by utilizing HD/4K screens, digital media players, audio systems, wifi, a variety of cameras, and drones, where permitted. All the components including the generator are designed to be inside the truss.

Since the bombing at the Boston Marathon, in April 2013 we have been exploring the idea of technology and IT solutions that go beyond a random number of cameras used by police posted throughout key areas at marathons.

While surveillance information (cameras) helps police, homeland security, and other security teams identify potential threats, and serves as a deterrence, our system compliments that process and is not a back-office solution.

Real Smart DS provides communication to runners, volunteers, and spectators with the reports from those sources and race organizers in “real time.” The need for real-time “visual and audio alerts” must be upscale and more progressive than other forms of media, including social media which is limited and can be compromised; Evans said, founder of Smart Digital Screen in 2014 and president of Race Director University, the First National Certification Program for Race Directors.

Social media has a lot of issues and not a reliable source for warning thousands of participants within in minutes of an incident. Anyone can trigger an action by sending “false messages” to a group of people with any clarity and quick means to fact check,” Evans said.

I worked with the Bank of America Chicago Marathon staff for years, providing communication and entertainment systems on the marathon course; however, despite using a verbal alert system that informs runners, volunteers, spectators about weather conditions and terror threats, Real Smart DS extends those provisions by adding high impact visual imagery. The unique strength and value of Real Smart DS platform is that it serves as a warning, both visual and audio, can be replicated to 10, 15, 20, 50, 100 plus platforms within 1-2 minutes in real time covering the marathon course at each mile marker or wherever these structures are physically placed.

The EAS (Emergency Alert Systems) are currently used to illustrate changes in weather and physical flags are used to warning runners; the Real Smart DS system includes that system using digital media, and the media rotates every 5 seconds allowing for other signage, advertising and marketing opportunities for sponsors on the course.

Real Smart DS utilizes a variety of software and apps by adding an array of digital content that signifies English as the primary language and uses emoji’s that signify patterns of changes and helps the non-English speaking participant understand the changes in the event as they occur.

I have spent a considerable amount of time over the past two years with manufacturer and software providers worldwide to choose what equipment integrate with other applications. Technology is constantly evolving, and within the next six months we will be adding more apps, and we will be switching out equipment and adding more as upgrades are critical to the transition of this operation.

Real Smart DS is new technology and had not been used or produced by any of the national race management organizations, like World Marathon Majors, the Competitor Group, Life Time Fitness or Charity based cause market owned events. Race Director University is the source of information collection and could help novice race directors during the planning, logistics, and operations.

We have over 15 categories of information and numerous topics inside those categories. Currently, we have shifted our resources to developing the physical structure of Real Smart DS; however, efforts to offer Race Director University, Level I & II with other running related programs is in the planning process. Currently, we are focusing all our efforts on launching Real Smart DS.

We are expecting a lot of interest in this platform and have scheduled a Press Conference and a public viewing of three structures which will all have different elements.