Sigmaintell Updates on January Panel Pricing

What They Say

Sigmaintell released its late January forecast for TV pricing and said that panel prices continue to go down in all sizes for this application, with larger panels going down by larger $ values, but with all the panels changing by 2.3% (32″) to 5.4% (55″). Most TV brands are being conservative in their procurement. The firm did say that it expects 32″-43″ to continue to decline at the same rate, while the rate of drop for larger sizes should reduce in February.

Separately, the firm said that small LCDs are broadly flat in pricing in mobile and tablet applications, although a-si panels are reducing slightly.

What We Think

Useful information. It amazes me that you could buy something as complex and technical as a smartphone LCD for less than $4! (BR)

sigmaintell TV panel pricing Jan 2022

sigmaintell tablet panels