
SID Awards Display Week 2018 Business Track to DSCC

The Society for Information Display (SID) has awarded the organization and execution of its highly popular series of business conferences during its annual Display Week conference and exhibition to Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC) and its partners the OLED Association and Veritas et Visus for the 2nd consecutive year. SID’s 2018 Display Week will take place from May 20-25 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

According to SID Chair of Marketing, Sri Peruvemba, “We are pleased to award the 2018 Business Track to DSCC and its partners the OLED Association (OLED-A) and Veritas et Visus (VeV). They exceeded our expectations in 2017 and we are confident they will deliver another valuable program in 2018 to meet the future needs of our members.”

The Business Track will consist of:
  • SID/DSCC Business Conference on Monday, May 21st
  • SID/DSCC Automotive Display Market Focus Conference on Tuesday, May 22nd
  • SID/DSCC Investor’s Conference on Tuesday, May 22nd
  • SID/OLED-A/VeV Immersive Experience Conference on Wednesday May 23rd
There will be some changes for the 2018 event:
  • The annual SID Business Conference has consistently drawn large crowds and influential speakers who have provided valuable insights on the display market outlook. For 2018, there will be more emphasis on roundtables with leading executives from panel suppliers, TV brands and market and financial analysts expected to participate. There will also be sessions on the smartphone market and key developments that may shake up the display industry such as foldable OLEDs, quantum dot color filters and micro-LEDs.
  • The Automotive Display Market Focus Conference, which DSCC successfully launched for SID in 2017, will increase its focus on the impact of autonomous vehicles on the display market. Semi-autonomous and fully autonomous vehicles are likely to boost displays per vehicle and significantly expand the automotive display market. Heads-up displays and the implementation of AR will also be a focus.
  • The Investor Conference will see big changes in 2018. It will be a full day rather than a half-day event. In addition, it will feature presentations from market and sell-side analysts on where the display industry is going and which segments and companies are likely to outperform. It will also feature presentations from private equity and venture capital executives on what they are looking for from potential investments in private display companies. Private and publicly traded display-related companies seeking funding or secondary financing will then give short presentations to an audience consisting largely of buy-side and sell-side investors.
  • The Immersive Experience Market Focus Conference will be organized by the OLED Association and Veritas et Visus and will expand upon the success of the 2017 AR/VR Market Focus Conference. Immersion is a new concept in which the common theme is how it alters the way we interact with absolutely everything. How would the way we develop, use and interact with content change if a 3D space was used? How would web design change if instead of up/down and left/right scrolling, the actual webpage took up a 3D space? What if learning was physical? Instead of studying pictures of human anatomy, what if all parts of a human body, inside and out, would be available in 3D. AR and VR will not have “arrived” until we can implement it on daily/mundane tasks. The conference will examine these issue and the basics of how the display industry will need to change to cope with the demands of immersion.
There will also be networking receptions after each day of the Business Track to enhance networking opportunities.
More information on the agenda, speaking opportunities and sponsorship will soon be available on the DSCC web site at

About Display Week 2018

The 54th SID International Symposium, Seminar and Exhibition, or Display Week 2018, will take place May 20-25 at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, Calif. Display Week is the premier gathering of system integrators, designers, consumers, scientists, engineers and manufacturers in the field of electronic information displays. For more information on Display Week 2018, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @DisplayWeek (hashtag #DisplayWeek18), Instagram @siddisplayweek or the Display Week YouTube Channel.

About SID

The Society for Information Display (SID) is the only professional organization focused on the display industry. In fact, by exclusively focusing on the advancement of electronic display technology, SID provides a unique platform for industry collaboration, communication and training in all related technologies while showcasing the industry’s best new products. The organization’s members are professionals in the technical and business disciplines that relate to display research, design, manufacturing, applications, marketing and sales. To promote industry and academic technology development, while also educating consumers on the importance of displays, SID hosts more than 10 conferences a year, including Display Week, which brings industry and academia all under one roof to showcase technology that will shape the future. SID’s global headquarters are located at 1475 S. Bascom Ave., Ste. 114, Campbell, CA 95008. For more information, visit

About Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC)

display supply chain consultantsDisplay Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC) was formed by experienced display market analysts from throughout the display supply chain and delivers valuable insights through consulting, syndicated reports and events. The company has offices in the China, Japan and the US, is on the web at and can be reached in the US at and (512) 577-3672.