
QD Technologies and Next Generation Mini/MicroLEDs

A review by researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany takes a look at the advantages of quantum dots (QDs), such as their high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY), small particle size, and solution processability, and their suitability for color conversion in Mini/MicroLEDs. It’s an interesting paper that covers all the types of QDs, including Cd-based QDs, InP-based QDs, and perovskite QDs, comparing their emission properties, PLQY, and stability.

The researchers identify several challenges, such as the stability of QD materials, dispersion quality in solid-state matrices, light extraction efficiency, and the precision of mass manufacturing processes for QD pixelation and addresses issues like the high toxicity of Cd-based QDs and the relatively lower performance of InP-based QDs.

The paper discusses approaches to improve light management in QD composites, such as the introduction of internal scatterers, internal porous structures, and surface structures to enhance optical outcoupling and photoluminescence intensity.
These methods help reduce QD light reabsorption and improving the overall efficiency of the color conversion layers.

High-precision fabrication methods for RGB QD pixel arrays are crucial for achieving high-resolution displays. The review outlines the current research on QD pixelation techniques and their potential for industrialization.

Pixelation issues in the context of QD-based Mini/MicroLED displays refer to the challenges associated with precisely placing and controlling QDs at the micro-scale to form high-resolution, full-color displays. These issues are critical because the performance of QD-based displays depends on the accurate positioning and size of QD pixels, which directly impact the color quality, brightness, and overall display resolution.

a) Diagram showing how quantum dots are arranged into pixels using the transfer-printing method. b) A fluorescent image of RGB quantum dot stripes on a glass surface, glowing under 365 nm UV light. Reproduced with permission.. c) Illustration of the intaglio transfer-printing process (small side view images are shown on the left side of each step). d) Close-up photoluminescence image of RGB quantum dot pixels created through precise, repeated transfer printing. (Source: Nature, KIT)

MicroLED displays require extremely high resolution, often with pixel sizes smaller than 100 µm. Achieving this level of resolution necessitates precise control over the deposition and patterning of QDs, which is challenging with current manufacturing technologies. For a display to produce uniform color and brightness across the screen, the QDs must be uniformly distributed and precisely aligned with the underlying LED pixels. Any misalignment or variation in QD distribution can lead to color inaccuracies, brightness inconsistencies, and reduced display quality.

The researchers highlight the lack of high-precision mass manufacturing techniques for QD pixelation. Current methods often lack the fine control needed to consistently produce high-resolution QD patterns at scale. This is a significant barrier to the widespread adoption of QD-based MicroLED displays in consumer electronics.

The interaction between QDs and the substrates they are deposited on plays a crucial role in pixelation. Issues such as poor adhesion, differential thermal expansion, and chemical incompatibility can lead to defects in the QD pixels, further complicating the pixelation process. When QDs are deposited onto a substrate, their tendency to spread or contract due to surface tension can affect the final pixel size and shape. Controlling this behavior is crucial for achieving consistent pixel sizes, especially at the micro-scale.

MethodFeature SizeQD MaterialColor of Emission
Aerosol Jet Printing30 µm (line width)CdS, CdSe/ZnSRGB
Inkjet Printing200 µm × 75 µm (pixel size)CsPbBr3Green
Inkjet Printing110 µm (pixel size)MAPbBr3Green
Electrohydrodynamic Printing3.9 µm (dot size) / ≈400 nm (line width)CdSe/CdZnSeS, CdSe/CdS/ZnSRed, green
Electrohydrodynamic Printing1 µm (dot size)CdSe/CdS/ZnSRed
Electrohydrodynamic Printing≈890 nm (line width)CdSeRGB
Photolithography10 µm (pixel size)Red, green
Projection Lithography21 µm (pixel size)CdSe/ZnSRed, green
Indirect Photolithography5 µm (line width)II–VI core–shell QDsRGB
Indirect Photolithography8 µm × 40 µm (pixel size)CdSe/ZnSRGB
E-beam Lithography≈30 nm (line width)CdSe/CdSRed
X-ray Lithography150 µm (pixel size)CsPbI3, CsPbBr3Red, green
Laser Direct Writing≈170 nm (line width)CdTeGreen
Laser Direct Writing900 nm (line width)CsPbI3Red
Laser Direct Writing3.3 µm (line width)CsPbBr3Red
Transfer Printing400 nm (line width)CdSe/CdS/ZnS, CdSeS, CdSRGB
Transfer Printing6 µm (pixel size)CdSe/ZnS, CuInSe, PbSRGB

Poor pixelation can lead to color mixing, where adjacent pixels bleed into each other, reducing color purity and accuracy. This is particularly problematic in high-resolution displays where pixels are closely packed. Inconsistent QD placement can also affect the brightness and efficiency of the display. Areas with higher concentrations of QDs may appear brighter, leading to an uneven display, while poorly distributed QDs can reduce overall light conversion efficiency.

The paper suggests that future research should focus on developing advanced fabrication techniques that can achieve the necessary precision for QD pixelation while being scalable and cost-effective. Techniques such as advanced photolithography, laser-assisted deposition, and self-assembly of QDs are potential areas of exploration. Enhancing the compatibility between QDs and substrates through surface modification or the development of new materials could also help address some of the pixelation challenges, according to the researchers


Chen, J., Zhao, Q., Yu, B., & Lemmer, U. (2024). A Review on Quantum Dot-Based Color Conversion Layers for Mini/Micro-LED Displays: Packaging, Light Management, and Pixelation. Advanced Optical Materials, 12(2), 2300873.