
OLEDs Forecast to Take Share in Automotive

UBI research, via OLEDNet has forecast that OLED will start to enter the automotive market in 2019, with just 1% of the market, and will see penetration rising to 20% by 2022. Key to this will be the flexibility that is possible, as automotive designers like curves and more ‘organic’ shapes. The firm said that the value of the market will be $25 billion by 2022, with 17% CAGR. The report highlights that lifetime performance has to be improved is it is still only at around 50% of the target of car makers.

Analyst Comment

The forecast, of course, assumes that OLED makers will be able to meet the automotive industry qualification processes. Those we spoke to at CES about this seemed confident that this will happen, but it needs to happen to allow this penetration. Every automotive person that I have spoken to loves the high contrast, deep black and design flexibility of OLED. (BR)