
OLED Panel Gains by Smartwatches and Computer Monitors

In Q2’23, the shipment of OLED panels increased by 10% compared to the previous quarter (Q1’23) and decreased by 2% compared to the same quarter of the previous year (Q2’22), according to the latest report from DSCC.

OLED panel shipment and YoY growth, Q2’21 – Q2’23. (Source: DSCC)

During Q2’23, several applications that use OLED panels experienced positive growth compared to the previous quarter. OLED panel shipments for smartphones increased by 4% sequentially and 1% year-over-year. On the other hand, TV panel shipments grew significantly by 42% sequentially, although they decreased by 26% year-over-year.

Smartphones remained the largest category using OLED panels, accounting for 79% of the unit share in Q2’23. However, this was a decrease from the 84% unit share they held in Q1’23. This change was attributed to gains made by smartwatches, monitors, and game platforms.