Nuclear Fusion Getting Nearer

What They Say

There has been lots of talk about the feasibility of generating clean power with nuclear fusion after a successful experiment that suggested it might be achievable. A group at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the US said that it had produced 10 quadrillion watts of power after blasting a hydrogen capsule with lasers. However, that was only around 70% of the power input.

Although the energy is still below the level put in, it is said to be a 25 fold increase since 2018 and 8 fold better than experiments earlier this year.

What We Think

It’s not really display related, but a breakthrough in power production by fission would dramatically change the world. It’s often pointed out that over historical time frames, new sources of energy or new ways of harnessing it are key drivers in boosting long term economic growth. Solar power is starting to have this kind of impact, but fusion could be even more significant. There would be markets for many more display products if there was unlimited low cost clean power! (BR)

National Ignition FacilityIt takes a lot of equipment to create nuclear fusion – even for a split second. Image via Jason Laurea/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory