New IGNIS Automated Optical Inspection System (AOIS)

What They Say

A hat-tip to OLED-info which spotted that image compensation developer, Ignis, has a new optical system that can be used to apply its MaxLife compensation technology to repair or recalibrate OLEDs or microLEDs. It can also be used during production.

At the moment the system supports panel sizes up to 6″ but could be modified to support larger panels. It takes around 90 -100 seconds to check red, green and blue.

There’s a 5 minute video on YouTube here.

What We Think

I haven’t heard of any particular burn-in problems, but given the cost of the devices, I would have thought that there might be interest in systems big enough to recalibrate the OLEDs used in Sony’s broadcast OLED monitors. In the longer term, the firm’s compensation technology should be really valuable to microLED developers (in production rather than repair).

Although it’s a few years old, I interviewed Ignis at SID in 2016 and its technology is used by LG Display. We’ve been reporting on the firm’s developments since 2004. (BR)

IgnisThis image, captured from the video shows an OLED that had definite burn-in problems after compensation has been applied.