Mitsubishi Electric Corporation has reported development of a “texture expression” technology that the company has named Real Texture. Although, at this time, little technical information has been publically released, one of the claims for the new technology is that it can “make vehicle displays and digital signage appear to be realistic metallic-like surfaces.” This effect is described as adding “viewing appeal” to products. An example of texture expression was included in a press release and is presented in the figure below.
Left: Real Texture implemented in a car instrument panel. Right: Gloss and shading change in real time according to viewing angle.
As stated in the company’s press release, Real Texture features include the following:
- Calibrates contrasting light and shade to produce realistic surface textures of various materials.
- Simulates light reflection according to the tracked position of the viewer’s face.
- Constructs stereographic images by simulating the reflective properties of real materials.
- Creates beautiful representations of materials such as metals and glass.
- Consists of 2D flat display (parallax stereographic display not required) and camera to track viewer’s facial position.
The press release concludes by stating that “Real Texture is expected to be commercialized for vehicle instrument panels and signage displays in the near future.” -Arthur Berman
Analyst Comment
We tried to get more on this story, but had no luck by press time. If we can get more from Mitsubishi, we’ll report it. (BR)