MIPI to Host Virtual Event on New Automotive Interface

What They Say

MIPI’s Automotive Industry Forum is producing a technical overview of the recently adopted MIPI A-PHY v1.1, followed by an interactive session for OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers to provide input on industry requirements and enhancements for the next version of the SerDes interface. You can register here.

What’s New in A-PHY v1.1

The virtual forum will begin by covering A-PHY v1.1 enhancements, which include doubling of the downlink bandwidth to 32 Gbps, a faster uplink gear with an available data rate of up to 200 Mbps, and the addition of optional PAM4 encoding for downlink gears G1 and G2 to allow manufacturers to more easily migrate to A-PHY while using either legacy cables on current platforms or lower-cost cables on new platforms.

What We Think

I can’t say that I have looked much at automotive interfaces for several years. The Electronic Display conference in Nuremberg was always a good place to get a ‘fix’ for that technology, but I haven’t been for a while, of course. (BR)